17 - Preparations

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A couple hours passed, no texts from anyone in L'manburg. I texted Tommy every morning and night, just to check up. Fundy texts me when he wakes up, which is roughly around 12PM. It was 2AM, so I'm sure he's fine. Niki texts me when she needs help with the bakery, but recently, she hasn't texted me, leaving me worried for her. I did see her in person every so often, so she's probably just not checking her phone.

I stay staring at the ceiling, fidgeting with my fingers. I heard a knock at my door, and got up to see Tommy standing there, soaking wet. Why is he always running in the rain to see me? I let him in but kept silent, nobody needed to know that he was here.

(Everyone's whispering in this)
"Tommy what are you doing?" I said softly.
"Hey Y/N, Wilbur kinda, got drunk, and is like trashing the place."
"Shit." I responded. Tommy covered my mouth because I forgot we had to whisper. I opened the window and climbed out, dragging Tommy with me.

"Where are we going?"
"To get Wilbur to his senses."
"You can't walk into-"
"I don't care, Tommy."

I made it to L'manburg, and hesitated walking in. I did so anyways, dragging Tommy with me. He was super tired, but he managed to keep up. I opened the door to the van, and see Wilbur on the floor, breaking blaze rods in half, fourths, eighths. I picked him up and he almost punched me.

"Calm down there, lets get you to bed." I said, dodging the weak punch.

"YoUre Not AllOweD hEre y/N, LeAve mY ArEa No-" Wilbur had said, obviously drunk, but I covered his mouth the moment I saw Fundy sleep walking into the van. I motioned to Tommy to try and lead Fundy away, and back to his house.

I threw Wilbur on his bed, and went to get water from the cooler chest we have in the ground. Wilbur kept trying to get up, but every time, i pushed him down.

Wilbur Pov
Everything was really circle like, i was becoming dizzy, but whatever. Being drunk was the only way I could deal with my problems. I wasn't an alcoholic, but I drank every once in a while.

"Wilbur, stay." I heard Y/N say.
"I aM nOt yOur bItcH y/N" I replied, still attempting to get up. She grabbed me from my coat, threw me down, and bent down to look at me.

"Stand up one more time Wilbur, and I swear, our war will happen sooner than expected."

That was kinda hot.

Y/N Pov

Watching Wilbur drunk is horrible, it wasn't the first time I saw him like this. I splashed cold water on his face, and he immediately started screaming. I covered his mouth, just in case anyone was wondering around here. He tugged on my hoodie with all his strength, so I took off my hoodie to wipe Wilburs face dry, leaving me shivering cold after. It was summer at the time, but it turned cold at night every once in a while. I see Tommy walk in completely shocked, and I motioned for him to come over.

"I splashed his face and he started screaming, and he literally started tugging on my hoodie. it almost ripped so i just took it off and gave it to him."

I had a long sleeve shirt under, but it was thin. I never left the house without a hoodie on, it was just something i never did. Tommy put his arm around me, and I felt an instant wave of warmth. I fell asleep on Tommy's shoulder a couple minutes later.

I woke up to see Wilbur glaring at me, and i swear I almost kicked him.

"What are you doing here." Wilbur had asked, having the most angriest tone i have ever heard.

"I fell asleep i'm so-"

"Out. Now." He pointed to the door, and I got up, still basically asleep. It took me a while, but Wilbur got impatient. He pushed me down and knocked me 3 hearts.

I was low from dealing with him drunk the night before, so I basically made it out on 2 hearts. I walked back to the community house to see Dream pale and sweaty. I closed the door and his head shot up, and he ran over to me.

"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!?"

All I did was hug him. I didn't want to tell him that Wilbur was drunk the night before, and I didn't want to tell him that I was low. He obviously knew that I was low though, because i barely had the strength to even put my arms around him.

"Did Wilbur get you this low?"

I stayed silent, until i nodded my head.

"He didn't mean to-"
"The wars was supposed to happen on Wednesday, Y/N. I'm pushing it to today. Go drink a healing potion and meet me outside. Wear your silent combat boots." Dream let me go, and walked me to my room. I was still unsteady, but managed to pop on my war clothes. I put on my boots and slow walked to the chest area, opening the chest for the potions. I close it, and see Tommy outside the window, making me jump.

What the fuck is he doing-

I walked over, and he ran towards me. I drank the potion slowly, and he looked at me, completely frightened by what he had heard.

"You're moving the war to today?"
"It wasn't my choice, i'm sorry."
"I don't want to fight you, y/n! What do we-"
I put my finger on his lips to shut him up, and gave him a small smile.

"We don't have to fight each other, i'll just focus my attention to someone else. You'll be okay, the Gulag is simple. You'll make it out."

He gave me a tight hug and started crying, basically soaking my hoodie. I hugged him back, and dropped a tear.

"It's okay. You're okay. We'll be fine." I rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. Nothing I did calmed him down, so I just let him cry it out. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Dream. I looked up and shooed him. He tapped his wrist. "Lets go, times up." He mouthed the words. I looked at him, and gave him a look of "Get out of my sight." He got the memo, and went back into the house. Tommy had calmed down by then, and I pulled away. I kissed his forehead, and moved some of his hair away from his eyes. He gave me a small smile, and sniffled a bit.

"Keep your worries at home, Mr. Innit. Don't go crying a river on the battlefield." I said, and he chuckled.
"Fine, i'll get my tools to make a bridge over it." He replied. I giggled and hugged him for the last time today. He ran off to Wilbur, and I was left alone with my thoughts. The war was now, and I had to fight alongside Dream. I walked over to George, and he led me to where everyone else was. Sapnap looked down at me.

"Ready?" He pulled out a sword that had max enchants. I declined, and looked at my inventory, seeing the axe I had. I didn't pull it out, but he knew I had it.

I sighed, then shook off my nerves. "Ready as i'll ever be."

My team cheered, and walked forward a step, basically saying that we were ready. L'manburg took glances at me, and after a while, they stepped forward.

-Author Izzy, not feeling a authors note this chapter, sorry (1312 words)

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