20 - Cookies

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December 24th, and we still haven't decorated? I woke up early and got the lights from the storage, and started hanging them up. I was scared of ladders, but it was 4AM, I'm not waking up the boys. They'd kill me on purpose and then say, "Sorry! Its the Christmas spirit inside of me!" We had a ton more guests come over. Technoblade, Alyssa, BadLinu, a bunch more. We invited Schlatt too, after finding him in the forest. We checked him for any dangers, and he was clear. He wasn't under control, so we decided to trust him for now.

I bit my lip trying to align the lights in a good spot. I was a couple inches off the wall, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Need help, kid?"
"TECHNO!" I whispered screamed. I was excited to see him, but didn't want to wake up anyone. I gave him a huge hug, and he ruffled my hair.

I did those little grabby hands that kids do when they want to be picked up, and Techno grabbed me and put me on his shoulders. His pink hair was soft, and his pig ears were straight up. I giggled.

"I'm so tall!"
"Hurry up so I don't drop you. I'm not exactly a morning person." I chucked and hung up lights quickly. He let me down and gave me a pat on the head, and I led him to my room. He looked super sleep deprived, so I offered for him to sleep in my bed. He hit the bed face first, and fell asleep instantly.

I continued decorating around the house, things I could do without having to struggle with how tall the roof was.

-Time Skep-

I finished decorating around the house, and Techno and Dream woke up around the same time. They walked over towards me and smiled.

"You cleaned the house?" Dream asked, looking at the spotless floors.
"It's crazy how we can spend months living in such filth! I got inspired and cleaned up." I said, smiling.
"Holy shit. Our floor is spruce planks? I thought it was dark wood-" Dream said, basically falling to the ground inspecting the wood. I shrugged and laughed.

"Techno! By the way, I made cookies as a welcome to our humble abode! Also, hope you slept well." I said, handing him a plate with 3 cookies on it.

"I'll be honest, that was the most comfortable bed I've been in forever, and I don't even sleep in beds!" He said, basically inhaling the chocolate cookies I made. I handed Dream a plate and 1 cookie.

"I need to hang up more lights outside.." I mumbled under my breath. Dream grabbed my hand and ran outside, lights in the other hand.

"Get on my back i'll carry you!" Dream said, bending down so I could get on him easier. Techno leaned against the doorframe, and ran over when he saw me getting on Dream.

"No, you'll drop her." Techno carried me up to his shoulders, and Dream looked heavily offended. I feel like he'd push Techno if I wasn't on his shoulders. I giggled and hung lights over the house outside. It was around 30 minutes later, and I hung up all the decorations.

"9AM" I mumbled under my breath. Tommy would be coming over to "help" me cook. It was just quality time with my boyfriend, right?

Boy was I wrong.

Flour went everywhere. Chocolate chips were basically swallowed in 1 go. I burnt myself twice.

"You are a idiot, Tommy." I said, wiping flour off the counter into the trash.
"Your idiot." He said, kissing my head.

I blushed like crazy, I'm glad he knows he's still an idiot. He held up a plant with red balls on it.

"Did you hang this?" Tommy asked, inspecting the plant
"Oh! I forgot, help me out!" I said, and walked over to the doorway nobody uses. Tommy helped me hang it, and after, I gave him a small kiss.

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