Tried to kiss my best friend

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-Taehyung POV-
I've been on TikTok for a bit, me and my best friend, Jungkook, are both pretty famous on the app, everyone knows we're best friends so when I came across the 'tried to kiss my best friend' trend on TikTok I knew I had to take advantage of it, I have a huge crush on him, I have for a while. He's coming over later to hang out so I'm gonna do that then. After a few hours he came over and we played overwatch, after a bit I told him I wanted to film a gaming TikTok and since he said it was okay I set up the video, once it was filming I tried to get his attention, I had to kill his character in the game for him to look at me, when he did I kissed him, I felt my heart shatter when he pushed me away and wiped his lips off. The video ended and I grabbed my phone and ran up to my room and cried softly.
"I'm gonna get going."-JK
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."-TH
"I can't come over tomorrow sorry."-JK
"It's okay."-TH
I heard him leave and I cried into my pillow, I just fucked up my friendship because of a trend.
-The next day-
I left home and went to school, usually I'm in bright colors but today I was in all black, I sat in my seat and Jimin sat beside me.
"Tae, are you okay."-JM
"Mhm, I'm fine."-TH
"I know you're not okay."-JM
"Jimin, how would you feel if you told Yoongi you liked him and he rejected you."-TH
"Not that good."-JM
"I kissed Jungkook."-TH
"I know, I saw the TikTok."-JM
"I think he hates me."-TH
"No he doesn't."-JM
"Hey brats."-Y
"Yoongi-hyung I like you."-JM
"I know I saw the TikTok, I like you too."-Y
I sighed, at least Jimin got who he wanted.
"What the hell was that yesterday."-JK
"Look Kook you don't have to be a prick about it, he likes you and he's heartbroken right now so why don't you go the fuck away."-JM
"I like you too Taebear."-JK
"Then why did you push me away yesterday."-TH
"I thought it was just for a TikTok."-JK
I stood up and kissed him deeply, this time he kissed me back just as passionately, I'm really happy he likes me back.
~months later~
We're officially dating and I couldn't be more happy to film couple TikToks with him and I get to kiss him all I want.

-The End-

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