day 1- the experiment

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You wake up in a bed that's not quite your own. A white uniform is tightly wrapped around your body. Along with the uniform, there is a helmet on your head. An unfamiliar voice tunes in over an intercom. The voice belongs to a man, who seems not the least bit friendly.

"Welcome, crewmate. There is one imposter among us. Figure out who it is before it's too late."

You are more confused than you have ever been. First, you wake up in a strange place and now there is an imposter. What even is an imposter and what happens if it's too late? You hear a latch pop and the door to your cell opens. The cool air flows into the small, white room. Just as you are about to leave, the intercom sounds again.

"Don't be afraid to take off your helmet. Trust is the basis of this experiment, and we find that knowing each others' faces can lead to more trust among the crewmates."

You begin to wonder who your other crewmates are. Your feet step out of the door, your feet light and soft on the linoleum floor. Doors line the empty hall. It reminds you of a hospital, with the white and cleanliness of it all. The other crewmates step into the hall and join you.

"Hello, crewmates, I guess. Does anyone actually know what we are doing here?" a voice calls from behind you. You turn around and find a tall guy, his uniform is cyan. He has a kind look to his face and he seems pretty sweet. His blonde hair sits in curls on the top of his head and his eyes are like a blue ocean. You feel a wave of tranquility rush through your veins when your eyes meet.

Your eyes travel down the hall to see people in different colors. A quiet girl catches your eye. She doesn't look much older than you and her cinnamon brown hair falls straight below her shoulders. Her face is pale, you assume the rest of her skin is as well. Her eyes are mesmerizing and are an emerald green shade. The uniform that fits tightly around her is pink. She presses her lips together and focusses on the tiles of the floor.

Another guy stands close to her, almost wrapping his arm around her. He has dark eyes and dark hair. His hair was almost cut to his head, but it was still somewhat long. He has on a red uniform and a deadly stare on his face. You realize that his eyes are trailing up and down your figure. You almost feel intimidated by the way he stares at you. He seems like he'd punch you for touching Pink. You wrap your arms around your torso, slightly insecure by his scrutiny.

Another guy, Green, stands close to his door, avoiding the unfamiliar stares. He seems to be a bit shy, the way his green eyes match his green uniform is kind of strange. He has bleach blonde hair, his face reminding you of someone. Of course, you have no idea who, because it would appear that all of your memories has been wiped. You are snapped out of thought, when green looked at you and licked his bottom lip.

You move your eyes to find another girl dressed in yellow. She has curly black hair and dark brown eyes. Her jawline is sharp and soft at the same time. The yellow uniform looks perfect on her curves. Her eyes meet yours with a confused glance. You realize that everyone has to be in the same boat.

A guy with a lot of muscles suddenly storms down the hall. "What the hell are you all doing just standing around here? We have tasks to do." He walks past you, his black sleeves brushing past your white uniform. You could already tell that he would be a bossy dick. You roll your eyes at him, hoping he doesn't notice. He notices.

He turns his entire frame towards you, easily overpowering you. You stare into his brown eyes. He has curly black hair that flops on the top of his head. He has a strong jawline and his expression is definitely less than friendly. His hand came up and wrapped around your neck, gripping it hard. You didn't think he'd actually have the balls to do that. He squeezed you tightly, his forehead close to yours.

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