day 6-emergency

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The disappointment of waking up in your white, bland room came over you. You'd wished with all of your energy that'd you wake up in your normal room, but clearly, you hadn't. Your bed seemed more empty now that Purple was gone.

How are you supposed to keep going when you've finally lost all motivation? You'd be okay if the imposter murdered you right now. You just hauled yourself off the bed, forcefully. The door seemed so far away. You grabbed a towel and fresh clothes, then raced to the showers.

Walking into the shower felt refreshing. The steam and running water seemed calm. Of all places, why was the shower your favorite? Maybe it was because you got to be alone, and no one would judge you. Though, lately, someone seems to enjoy ruining your zen.

The steam of your shower wrapped itself around your body. Finally, your motivation seemed to return, even if it was just a little bit. Today, Black did not come in while you were showering. He mostly stuck to his own thing, apparently.

Then you realized why Black hadn't interrupted you. The alarm chirped that there was an emergency meeting and everyone was to report to the cafeteria. With an annoyed sigh, you dried off and hurried to cloth yourself.

The halls seemed particularly long this morning, but eventually, you reached the cafeteria. Everyone was gathered at the same round table. The same table where you learned the worst news ever. Maybe not the worst.

Everyone had serious, solemn expressions planted on their faces. Of course, Pink and Purple were together, and all over each other. It made you jealous, but what could you do?

You went over and sat next to Orange, wondering where the hell Yellow was. Orange looked on the verge of tears, definitely not her average look. You took her hand into yours and gave her a reassuring smile.

"The reason we are gathered today is because of another dead body." Cyan had a serious look in his eyes. He met your eyes and his sparkled. He'd seen something he wasn't telling about. You sucked in a breath, realizing why Yellow wasn't there.

She couldn't be the victim, right? She's the strongest person you knew. But you knew the look in Orange's eyes. You bit down on your lip, wishing it couldn't be true. Your eyes pleaded with Cyans, though you already knew the answer.

Tears stung at the back of your eyes and threatened to spill out. Orange sniffled beside you and then you just let it happen. The tears slipped out and down your cheeks. Your heart wrenched with pain. Everything was going wrong in every possible way.

"As some of us may know, Orange discovered and reported Yellow's body. Unfortunately, Yellow was murdered sometime during the day." He truly looked like he was sorry, but his sorrow didn't make you feel better.

Yellow was your friend, and you promised to protect each other. You broke the promise. She wouldn't be able to keep her end of the promise.

You turned your face towards Black, but he offered you no reassurance. You simply got up and headed back to your room. You didn't care about the tasks or food or even the vote.

The door to your room opened, and Black came in. You were a mess; just balled up in a sobbing wreck. This was worse than Purple. Black just stared at you before heading over to you. His arms wrapped around you.

You rested your head into his neck. His scent was intoxicating. Your breathing calmed down and his hands rubbed your back. He let you weep into his shirt, though your dignity tried not to let you.

"It's okay. I'm right here," he whispered into your ear. It made you forever grateful. Suddenly, you ripped your head from his neck.

"What about the v-vote?" Your eyes looked into his. Your voice had cracked much more than you wanted it to. He pulled you back into him.

"Please, don't worry about it right now. You're safe in my arms." He kissed your forehead and the comfort of his hug was enough to convince you not to worry. You settled into him, finally feeling reality leave.

"You need to eat, let me bring your breakfast." Black got up and left before you could protest. You settled into your bed, attempting to feel the comfort of Black's grip.

He came back after a few minutes with two trays of food. He set one down on the dresser and walked the other to you. You sat up, not exactly hungry but willing to please him.

You took the tray of food and gulped, hoping he wouldn't really make you eat. But he grabbed his tray and sat next to you, beginning to eat. He eyed your tray after he noticed you hadn't touched anything.

So, practically against your will, you picked up the fake food and placed it into your mouth. Finally, you tasted the foul sour of fake. The happiness and peace left you, just as fast as it came. You sighed but continued. Black wanted you to eat.

You didn't do your tasks for the day, not caring for the consequences. Orange tried her best to convince you, probably not wanting to lose another friend. Apparently, you were stubborn now.

You ate some of each meal; enough to please Black. After the meals, you'd go to your room and cry. Black came in to check on you every once in a while. However, he was occupied with his tasks and worries.

By the end of the day, the worry of not completing your tasks began to set in. Would they eject you like an imposter? They wouldn't benefit from that at all. You didn't care, right?

The day ended like the rest. You were exhausted; your eyes heavier than an entire universe. The lights to your room dimmed and the fan turned on, but then an intercom sounded.

"We are incredibly disappointed with you color white. We really were rooting for you, but you did not complete the day's tasks. Like we said, the very first day: you must complete your tasks." The voice had no emotion, only monotone. It would appear your life is over before it even begun.

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