day 3- reported

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When you wake up on day 3, Purple is no longer there. A wave of relief falls over you; you weren't killed in your sleep. You get up, slipping a new robe that hangs down from the door. Strangely, new things keep appearing overnight. The wall above your dresser now had a screen to type in notes about the other colors. 

You made your way to the showers with your clean clothes and a towel. The clock chimed that it was 6:30 AM before you left the room. You glanced over your shoulder every couple of steps. The fact that nobody died yesterday worried you. What if you were the first to die?

Pink was already in the shower room when you enter. You smile at her and she returns the smile, stepping into her shower. You stood at the mirror, admiring your face once again. Your hand left a tingling trail on your skin, much like yesterday.

Purple steps into the shower next. His eyes fall onto your figure. He comes up behind you and grabs your waist, protectively. "Sorry I had to leave last night. We should really do that again, White." You liked that idea and nodded. His robe was almost untied; it wouldn't take much for it to slip it off. 

"We need to shower," you said while trying to stifle a laugh. You push him off and head towards your shower. He winks at you before getting into the purple-colored shower. You turn on the water, as hot as it can go. You need to calm your nerves. But you couldn't help but let your mind wander.

You imagined Purple pushing you up against a wall, kissing you hard. His hand trailing up your body, trying to take your clothes off. He'd have to put you down to undress you. The idea of teasing him like that turned you on. You almost wish he would burst through your shower door, not caring what the others would think.

You were pulled away from your thoughts when a knock sounded on the door. You jumped a bit, but decided to answer, "occupied, sorry."

"I know, White. Open the door."

You recognized Black's voice. You turned off the shower and slipped on your robe, tying it carefully. The handle to the door was slick and you had to grip it hard to open. There Black stood in nothing but a towel. Your eyes looked him up and down, trying to keep you from doing something stupid.

He cleared his throat and stepped in, closing the door behind him. Even though the shower stall was big, it felt tiny now. You felt a twinge of guilt wash over you as you realize what's happening. You and Purple weren't technically together, what could he do about it?

"Uh, sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. The imposter murdered their first victim last night. I just want to make sure you're safe."

Wait, what? Who was dead and how did Black know and not you. Your eyes went wide and Black noticed that you were suddenly nervous. His hand rested on your shoulder. He was trying to calm you down but it wasn't helping much. Last night, Purple had almost made you forget you were in Among Us.

"W-who was it?" It was all you were able to stutter out. You needed answers, and fast. You knew it wasn't Purple, Black, or Pink. But what if it was Yellow. You couldn't bear the thought of not having your friend with you. Plus, you would've broken the promise you made on the first day.

"Red..." his expression didn't change, he just stood solemn. You hadn't talked to Red once; he intimidated you. You wondered what they would do with the dead body. Your mouth opened but closed again. How would Black know anything? Even if he were the imposter, you doubted he would have many answers.

"Where did they find him?" The words came out much easier now. You felt a little guilty to be so relieved. Black couldn't keep eye contact with you, which was a little suspicious.

"Electrical. People are now saying that it's not safe there anymore." He looked sad when he said it. You hadn't gotten your tasks for the day yet. You just wished they didn't have anything to do with electrical.

"Okay, I need to finish showering now. If you don't mind..." His eyes widened and he hurried to open the door and leave. As soon as the door latched again, you went back to showering.


After your shower, you head to the cafeteria with Yellow. You two gossiped about the dead body. Apparently, Red was murdered in the night and dumped in electrical. The only person he could've been with was Pink.

"I really don't think it could be Pink. She's too kind." You know that being kind doesn't determine whether you are the imposter. Pink had been kind to you for the two days you had been there.

"I don't know, White. You could be the imposter, for all I know." Yellow didn't even seem phased by the possibility. You were suddenly suspicious of everyone on the ship. You had to keep your cool, otherwise, they could suspect you. But Yellow was right, anyone could be the imposter.

The food was the same as every other day. You were going to get bored of this fast. The cafeteria was quiet this morning. You assumed everyone was talking about Red. You wondered if he actually died. An experiment wouldn't have people seriously die, would it? You weren't going to try and find out.

You got your tasks after finishing breakfast. Of course, the first task there was electrical. You hugged Yellow before heading off to begin your tasks. Everyone did about the same. Hugging friends before doing tasks.

You decided you would do electrical first to get it out of the way. So, looking over your shoulder constantly, you were able to finish your task. It was simple, but still, you could never be too sure.

As you were about to leave, Black came in, blocking the exit. You gulped and realized, this is it. You're going to figure out if you die after all. Black clears his throat, clearly confused. He then realized what you were thinking.

"Oh shit! White, please I didn't mean to scare you like that. I'm not the imposter." His eyes pleaded with yours. You gave in and nodded your head, believing him.

"So, do you have a task in here, Black?" You turned to leave, but he stopped you. He placed a hand on your shoulder and leaned into your ear.

"I need to talk to you privately. Please, just five minutes." You nodded, allowing him to continue, "Purple somehow still has memories. He hasn't been taking the drugs or something. Please be careful, White. I know you like him."

You looked into his eyes, attempting to see lies. But as much as you tried, his eyes only showed the truth. He was telling the truth. Purple had his memories. That has to have something to do with last night.

You nodded and walked away as if the conversation never happened. His eyes were still glued to your back, watching to check that you were safe. You were, with the continuous checking over the shoulder and paranoia. You were fine.

That night, you headed to your room early, awaiting Purple. You didn't take off your uniform; he definitely didn't deserve a show yet.

After hours of waiting, your door finally unlocked and he slipped in. "There you are! I was waiting for hours you jerk!" You were angry, he could've told you not to wait.

"Sorry about that, White. I was trying to finish up my tasks. Oh, I hear you talked to Black today. What was that about?" He had a suspicious look on his face as he asked the question.

"He was just chatting with me about Red. It's getting dangerous, you know?" You hoped he'd buy the fake argument. He seemed to relax, his shoulders dropped and the look on his face became calm.

"Okay, that's good. Let's go to bed now, alright?" His entire demeanor changed almost immediately, making you slightly uncomfortable. But you ultimately agreed, taking off your uniform and snuggling into the bed.

The lights dimmed and the fan came on. It's time to sleep.

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