part one of day 8-one remaining

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2nd Person POV:

Here we are again, in the place you wished to be. Black has fallen asleep in the corner of your room, probably while watching you. That made you slightly nervous, especially because of how vulnerable you are in your sleep.

The alarm hadn't chimed that it was time for showering, so you explored all of your new memories. It was interesting, like rereading a book, except this time you picked up on many of the tiny details. Almost like Déjà vu.

Slowly, you begin to notice Black slightly opening his eyes. He inhales for a while and then out, afterwards yawning. You took that as your cue to get up and begin the day. His uniform was still on, but you needed to get a new one.

Black practically shoved you down on your bed. "Let me get your clothes and towel, just rest right now." And so, you followed his directions. He wouldn't let you get up even if you tried. So, you left it up to him to help you get ready for the day.

He set a fresh uniform on the bed next to you and went to grab your daily towel. Your hand was soon in his and the materials were in your other hand, which was close by your hip. Black was strangely walking very fast.

You separated in the shower room, because you both planned on showering and watching each other would be weird. Quickly, you rushed to take a shower, but you were thorough. You didn't want to smell like that asylum place.


Of course, just as you started to get comfortable. Rolling your eyes, you went to grab your suit and throw it on, not bothering to dry. You opened the door to your shower stall and walked out to join the rest of the crewmates. Not everyone was here. Figures.

Everyone was whispering and walking in different paces to match the people besides them. Today, you will vote. As long as a body has turned up, because it wouldn't really be fair otherwise. Who has turned up dead today?

Black came up behind you to take your hand, making you jump slightly. But once you realized who it was, you loosened up and leaned into him. Together and with the rest of the crew, you walked to the cafeteria, hopefully not to meet your demise.

Everyone took their places around the table. We all looked around and Orange took a headcount. "Wait guys, we're missing two people. Pink and Cyan."

Brilliant. So is everyone sleeping with Pink? It didn't seem to Purple, but then again, maybe he deserved it. Everything is fine, you told yourself. Yes, everything is fine. Two people totally aren't either having an affair or murdering each other.

In fact, you totally aren't in an experiment where people supposedly volunteered to murder each other. Wait, you can't think this way. The doctor/scientist, whatever he is, warned you about this and there is no way he gets to win.

Finally, the cafeteria doors swing open and Pink comes running in, completely out of breath. Black rolled his eyes and scoffed beside you. "Ah, Pink. So fucking nice of you to join us. So, where's your newest boyfriend?"

Her eyes widened at the comment of Black's. As if everyone hadn't already made this inference without Black calling her out. She shook her head violently and went to an empty chair. She took a minute to rest her breathing and heart rate.

"Please, I was getting an early start on my tasks. Then I saw Cyan's body and called an emergency meeting. I was on the far, far end of the Skeld. Or ship. I don't know." She was scraping together an explanation, and doing a terrible job at it.

"Cut the bullshit, Pink. We both know that we don't get our tasks until after breakfast." You just had to chime in. If you can get her voted out then you could all go home together. You stared dead into her eyes that had once been innocent and kind. They were the enemy now.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreeance to your point. You all looked around, realizing you'd vote her out and, finally, go home. Maybe there really can be a happy ending after all.

Pink was an imposter...

1 imposter remaining.

Wait, what? No one ever said anything about more than one imposter. So then, who is the last one and how quickly is this going to go? Shit...

Tasks were called off for the day. Apparently, they actually didn't do anything to keep the ship afloat. Or maybe the voting and sending off of Pink was enough for them. It really was horrifying, watching Pink struggle for air in the pitch black of space.

Everyone decided to hang out in the recreation room, which was so rarely used and had only been used once by you. The discussion in there was pretty bland, until someone brought up your strange disappearance. You looked over to Black for reassurance and he nodded his head.


"What?! So you actually know what it's like out there?!"
"Somewhat. I mean it's not super accurate, I don't think."
"But you still have answers! Maybe they can help us find the imposter?"
"I don't think so. I barely remember what happened to me, only the world."

Everyone was so interested, but you honestly wished that someone else remembered. It was difficult to explain it over and over again to sometimes the same person. You knew that they probably wouldn't vote you off, but you were also now more of a target for the imposter.

Sleep, you needed sleep. By the time it hit 6 PM, you were exhausted and so was your story. But, you didn't dare go alone. The imposter could easily overpower anyone, that was clear especially because Pink was one.

"Hey, we're gonna go to bed. White looks a bit tired, but I'm sure your questions will get answered tomorrow." Black wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you walked out of the doorway. He kept turning back, like someone was watching.

"Is everything okay, Black? I mean I was fine to stay back there and talk with them." You eyebrows were scrunched in confusion. What is he doing?

Black didn't change his demeanor at all, he stayed silent on top of that. You thought you two were over the love-hate relationship. What the hell is happening?

He pulls you into a room that is a small storage room. You have to admit that he is really scaring you. His hands gripped both of your shoulders, tight.

"I really need to tell you something, White. And I'm really sorry because neither of us can win in this situation." He glanced around, as if someone could be listening.

You shake your head, "what are you talking about? We'll find a way. You know that." Honestly, you were trying to convince yourself more than him.

" we won't. Because I'm an imposter. And I can't kill you. I can't keep doing this. One person was enough." Tears were forming in his eyes. But, you can't betray him. Then again, not betraying him would mean betraying the others and yourself.

"Black..." You had no words. What could you possibly say? You two weren't going to leave together. In fact, one of you wouldn't leave at all...

Now the question was: Who would live?

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