day 2- hot shower

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You wake up again, this time recognizing your surroundings. The bland room greets you with a bath of artificial sunlight. When you sit up, the lights dim on and the fan turns off. Strangely, there is a new clock hanging over your door. It reads 6:30 AM and is now chiming that it is time to shower. You get out of bed, the covers falling off of your body.

The dresser awaits you, it's time to choose the same outfit as yesterday. You pull the top drawer open and collect undergarments, the same as the ones you have on. Then you lower yourself to pick out a white uniform, identical to yesterdays. You glance over your shoulder to where you left the uniform, only to discover it's no longer there. You shrug it off.

Tugging on your clean clothes, you pick out a fresh pair of socks and pull them on, too. The floor feels much warmer now that your feet are protected. A slot in the wall reveals a fluffy white towel and you grab it without hesitation. Time to shower.

The door to your room unlatches and you allow yourself to slip out of the crack. The hall familiar to last night, even though you could barely remember last night. No one else is outside of their rooms yet, so you decide to head towards the showers. Your feet make no noise as you walk down the bland halls. You make a left down a part you hadn't gone down yesterday. A sign pointed you towards the showers.

You make it into the modern shower room. There are 10 showers lined up against the wall, shaped like toilet cubicles. You can hear a shower already downpouring onto someone else. You step into the first shower and begin to undress. There is a white box on the wall inside the shower to protect your clothes from the water. You throw the uniform, undergarments, and socks into the box and start the shower.

The hot water feels so refreshing on your skin. You reach over towards the soaps and bottles displayed in an array on a shelf. You grab the one labeled 'shampoo' and pour a small amount into your palm. You lather the soap into your hair and rinse after. You continue to wash in a familiar pattern, probably something like you did before the experiment.

Even though the shower feels amazing, you know you have to get out for breakfast. The other person in the shower turned their water off and you did the same. You dried yourself off with the towel and found that it dried your body off instantly. The warm pleasant feeling didn't last very long as the air began to cool your skin. You pulled on your clothes for the second time this morning and step out.

At this point, other showers are running and the room if loud. The showers were no longer just white, but instead color-coded like everything else. They must change colors once a person of that color uses the object, you realize. The only other visible person is Pink. She stands in front of a sink, brushing her teeth.

Then you realize that the entire wall is a mirror. You rush over to a sink next to Pink and marvel at the brand new face, familiar yet strange. You look different from everyone else in the experiment, but you love the way you look. Your hand trails down your cheek leaving a soft, tingly feeling behind. Pink looks over at you and smiles.

"That's exactly what I did when I saw my face. You're beautiful White, don't doubt that," she chuckled softly and went back to her appearance. She brushed out her long hair and flashed a bright white smile into the mirror.

Another girl stepped out of an orange shower. Her orange uniform hugged her body and complimented her dark skin. She walked over to a sink next to yours with the utmost confidence. Her dark eyes glanced into yours and she giggled, "hey there White, I'm Orange. I don't actually know my name, but I assume you don't either."

Her warm smile brought butterflies to your stomach. She crinkled her nose in a smile and winked, turning to face the mirror. She wasn't even surprised by her mesmerizing appearance. You realize that she probably saw the mirror before stepping into the shower. She took a comb and touched up her small curls. 

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