day 5-restart

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That morning was dreadful when you woke up. Sometime during the night, all three of you had migrated to the white bed. The girls had all been so supportive.

They kept asking if you were okay, but honestly, you didn't know the answer to that. Purple had broken you in many ways. It was stupid, you didn't even know if this was what normal people did.

You tried to just get on with your day as usual, but it was hard. You just couldn't stop thinking about him. To make matters worse, he was all over Pink at breakfast.

His hand caressed her cheek and his hand rested on her thigh. She smiled and they just locked eyes the whole time. He planted kisses on her lips, cheek, and forehead. Your heart tainted with jealousy. He wasn't yours anymore. Maybe he never even was.

"So, what happened with the vote?" You tried to focus on the more important problems here. Besides, Black was right; you hadn't been paying attention to many people. Orange and Yellow looked up from their meals.

Orange cleared her throat before speaking, "well, since you weren't here, we decided to skip. We don't have enough evidence yet, anyway." She shrugged as if the vote meant nothing. But we could easily be mistaken for the imposter and thrown off the ship.

Your eyes just kept darting off to Purple. He wasn't worth your time, you knew that now. Yet, you still felt compelled to him. There was just something about him that was strange. Pink had vouched for him last night, though.

And then suddenly, Black was on his way over, sitting down across from you. He confused you more than anyone. First, he hates you, then he likes you, and then he's back to being rude and hateful. You wished he were easier to read.

"See, I wish you had seen how evil that dick was from the start. You just needed a little pushing." He smirked at his statement as if it affected you at all. Maybe Black wasn't truly the bad guy, but he was just protecting you. It seemed ridiculous but entirely possible.

Showers were running a bit late that day due to a plumage error. But after breakfast, you were all headed to clean yourselves up. You slipped into your stall, thankful for the 10 minutes of peace. You were also glad the girls gave you company, but you just needed time for yourself.

You started the shower and let the hot water wash all your worries away. Even for just a minute, you felt calm and carefree. But this was quickly interrupted. The door to your stall opened and in came Black.

You grabbed for your towel but missed and it dropped to the floor. Black turned to face you and realized what he had done. His eyes widened, but he didn't bother to move. But neither did you. His stare burned your skin, but you liked it. Besides, he had only a towel, which hung too low on his waist.

And then it happened. The moment you realized who you liked all along. Your lips connected and he kissed you hard with passion. His hand came up and cupped your face, the other holding your neck. He pushed you against the wall, pushing against you with himself. The water fell all around you as if it were raining.

He pulled away, and his face reddened. "I don't like you like that, White. Sorry, but we are barely even friends." And then he left. He just left you standing there, soaking wet. You were a little angry, but you felt you didn't deserve to have someone. He cared about you, which was more than a lot of people seemed to do.

You finished your shower quickly. You stepped out and could see everyone freshening up. But Black was nowhere to be seen. You walked to a sink next to Orange. She was fixing her brown curls into place. She also put on some clear lipgloss and highlighted her skin. Orange was definitely beautiful.

Beside her, Yellow was straightening her long, black hair. Her brown eyes were so focused on the task and they sparkled with life. You decided to dry your hair and brush it. Then you brush your teeth and put on some light makeup.

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