the end?

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Black's POV:

Sure, I didn't vote them out, actually I didn't vote at all. They were a fucking mess.

Dammit, why did I have to run my big ass mouth.

It didn't surprise me when they announced the imposter had won. The confused, betrayed looks were too much. I hate y/n, but I love them so much.

Why did they have to be so selfless. I will miss them so much. I will never forgive myself for this.

The rest of day 8- our last day- was spent grieving. I knew they were so confused about y/n. Why had they done what they did?

The experiment was so flawed. If anything happens, we need to get rid of it.

Maybe that's what I should do now. After I recovered, they sent me home. My normal home. I haven't been able to be happy with my life since y/n.

They would've fought it. And so, that's what I will do. Even if it's the death of me, no one else should die to the experiment, the Skeld.

I already know their plans to run another trial. They always planned on doing that. I can't believe I ever actually thought it was okay.

Yes, that is what I will do. Y/n's death, and sacrifice, will not go in vain. And neither will the rest of the crewmates who had died, and Pink, as well.

This is the first time I have felt actually angry about something. Angry to the point that I will stand up for what I believe. This will be entirely different from 'Among Us'. No longer will this story be about a game, but instead of a legend. A revolt.

And I will lead it. I will be the savior.

The end-for now


Thanks for reading this fanfic, and sticking with me while I made probably one of the worst stories ever. As you can probably tell, there is going to be a second book, but it won't be anything like this. It will be about the revolt. If you are interested, I will be releasing it as a full story. I just feel like it would be so much better if I don't feel rushed to get a part out there, so yeah. I suppose this is goodbye, for now!


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