day 4- tension is arising

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Today Purple was still in your bed when you woke up. You pushed his arms off of you, sitting up. Purple woke up almost instantly. He too sat up.

You grabbed your robe and slipped it onto your body, glancing back at Purple. "What are you going to do?"

"It's okay, you go shower. I'll figure out how to get to my room." He got up and kissed your forehead. Then he looked into your eyes.

His hands ran down your skin, leaving a soft trail of tingles. His fingertips were soft on your skin. You felt your lips part, and his part as well. He leaned in and your lips connect, lighting up your entire being. He made you feel enchanted, like a beautiful princess.

You two shared a moment of privacy. Yes, you had sex. But you were okay with it; he was extremely comforting. You just sat there, kissing and looking into each other's eyes. You were happy and you thought he was, too.

Suddenly, the clock chimed that it was time to shower. You felt a little disappointed that your lips had to disconnect. His skin was so soft and felt like silk. He was gentle and you had felt happy, so happy.

The two of you quickly finished up and headed to the showers. Once there, you just tried to focus on the most important thing: who is the imposter?

Your mind tried and tried to search for answers. Red was close with Pink and he was killed in the night. They would have probably hooked up at some point during the night. They were some sort of couple. You decided today you would talk to Pink and see how she was doing.

You hurried to shower and headed to the cafeteria. The only one there was Black and his face lit up when you walked in. You walked over to him and took a seat next to him. His arms enveloped you in an embrace and you reciprocated it.

When he finally let go, his hands rested on your shoulders. His eyes stared into yours. Suddenly, he pulled away and became cold again.

"Okay then. Want to explain why you just hugged me?" You were slightly annoyed. Your friendship had seemed to be going well. But then suddenly he was just cold.

"I got carried away. You should find Purple and hug him or whatever." You could see him rolling his eyes. He was right back to being a dick. You sat up and took your usual seat, right where Yellow would be.

It didn't take long before Yellow came in and sat next to you. Purple joined you two a few minutes later. He held your hand under the table. Your skin felt alive and it tingled so nicely under his touch. You tried to stay calm and keep your heartbeat steady.

Sure enough, Pink came into the cafeteria right after Cyan. You raised your right hand and waved her over to your table. Her eyes lit up and she hurried over to take a seat. She slid onto a seat across from you.

"How are you doing, with Red and all. I mean I would lose my mind if it were Purple." You knew you wouldn't, but you had to sympathize with her. She couldn't look you in the eyes. Her face dropped and her smile faded.

"Oh uh, well I'm okay, I guess. We weren't really that close. Suppose people thought we were together." She looked away from your face. You had to admit, it was a little suspicious. You nodded your head and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled, too.

Pink got up and walked over to her usual table. She sat down and began eating all alone. You felt a little bad, and guilty. You just focused on finishing your food, then you'd do tasks. As always, the food tasted like shit.

You continued to do your tasks, just like any other day. You were in admin when an alarm sounded and a voice called for an emergency meeting. It told you to meet up in the cafeteria. Your feet slowly shuffled down the hall to the designated spot. 

Butterflies swarmed in your stomach, but not in a good way. Someone was about to get voted out; you knew this was true. You could hear footsteps behind you, quickly approaching. You swiftly turned your head to reveal a flustered Purple.

"I," gasp, "was looking all over for you!" Purple called out to you as he ran over to embrace you. His arms tightened around your body, and you felt safe. He made you feel at home. Your nose was engulfed in his scent. He somehow wore a strong cologne. No one else did, though.

"We need to get to the cafeteria," you said pulling away from his grip. His jaw tightened and he ran a hand over his jaw, roughly. He was clearly stressed about something. But he just sighed and pulled your hand into his. Together, you made your way to the cafeteria.

You recognized all of the colorful outfits immediately. Everyone was whispering and tensed up next to each other. Swiftly, they all turned their heads to face you two. It felt like you were introducing yourself to a classroom full of unfamiliar faces. They were cold and fearful.

Black wasn't looking at you, instead, he had fixed his stare on Purple. He looked like he was ready to fight, but you wouldn't let that happen. But, it also made you slightly more nervous. You knew first-hand that Black would attack in a second, no second thought. 

You shifted in the place you were standing. You pulled your hand back to your body and away from Purples. His hand glistened with sweat and so did yours. You soon realized that the sweat was from you. Your face became a hot, flustered mess. He didn't even notice, though.

You went and sat down next to Yellow, who was tense. She looked like a mess, her hair was everywhere. Strands were misplaced and sticking straight out. Her uniform was rolled up in places, causing bumpy lines to form. Her breathing also seemed to be jagged and out of place.

"Uh, guys? What the hell happened here?" Your voice was a bit shakier than you had meant for it to be. Their gazes all fell onto you once again, then they looked at each other. No one said anything, except Black.

Black cleared his throat, his cold stare stabbing your skin. "Well, White. While you were fucking your boyfriend, we discovered a body. Look around, dumbass. Someone's missing and you look awfully suspicious." He was pissed, to say the least.

You did look around, and sure enough, someone was missing. Pink was there, her gaze was now fixed on her lap. Orange was eyeing you, suspiciously. You noticed a color was missing, but it wasn't someone you normally thought of. Brown was gone, and you assumed he was also murdered. 

"Who is it?" You asked, shakily, even though you were pretty sure of the answer. Black rolled his eyes at your stupidity.

'It's Brown. Poor guy. You were so busy fucking around like this is a fucking porno to even realize he existed. Honestly, fuck you." His words hurt and they stung. You were stunned he even said that to you. You two were friends just a mere day before. 

"So, who are we going to vote out then. I'd say White, but I saw her doing tasks on the security camera during the murder. Purple and White weren't even together before the meeting, as Black is suggesting. But Purple was late and seemed in a rush." You were glad but unsurprised that Yellow had your back. You had promised each other the first day.

You eyed Purple, wondering just exactly what he had been doing. Suddenly, Pink's voice called out, "Purple was with me! It wasn't him, please believe me!" She looked at you nervously and bit her lip one too many times. Realization washed over your body, and angry shortly followed.

"HOW COULD YOU? PURPLE, I TRUSTED YOU! WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?" You knew right then and there that you had meant nothing to him. He had meant everything to you. He was the reason you continued to try and survive. Tears began to stream down your face and you ran off, not caring to even vote.

You went to your room and collapsed to the floor. Tears just continued to pour out like waterfalls. Your heart felt as if it had been ripped out and stomped on. You fucking hated Purple and you were going to make sure he suffered.

Your door unlatched and Yellow and Orange came in, sitting down next to you. You were mostly just sniffling at that point and they wrapped their arms around you. Orange began to hum a familiar tune to you. You all three sat there, hugging and comforting. 

Eventually, you fell asleep. You had all moved onto your bed and just snuggled. This felt more like home than Purple had. Maybe he gave you a false sense of safety.


Sorry for the delayed update, I've been busy and kind of uninspired. But I'm back now, hopefully. 


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