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     Adrien laid across his bed as his head spun. All he heard was a bunch of yells and screams. Worried voices were heard from his left ear, as he heard a bunch of doors slamming, and shoes rustling against the floor from his right. He started to stir as he felt himself being julting around. He figured he was moving on wheels, which made him realize he was probably being rushed inside some hospital. He moaned some more feeling people putting cold gloved hands on him, and feeling a sharp needle go into the middle of his right arm. An IV... He figured. Then it all went black again.


     "Adrien... Adrien, are you awake honey? Can you hear me?" A strange women's voice came from over him. He tossed around a bit uncomfortably before trying to open his eyes. He slowly popped one eye open. He  found a nurse wearing a cyan mask and scrub standing over him. Then he popped the other open. He was in a hospital room that was fairly dark, but he couldn't make out much from his blurry vision. He heard a beeping machine right next to him, and turned to see it was a heart monitor. He had a mask over his mouth that pumped oxygen to help him breathe. His whole body ached, and he felt as though he weighed a thousand pounds.

     He scooted, and tried to position himself to sit up more, but it shot pain throughout his body, and made him limp.
"It's good to see you're awake Adrien. You were unconscious for quite some time. We're trying to get to the bottom of what's wrong, so don't worry dear." She said stroking his hair lightly with her gloved hand.
"I am your nurse for today, and you can call me Becky." She said sweetly, removing the oxygen mask off of his face.
"You won't be needing this since you're awake." She said setting it aside. He watched as she sat in a swival chair, and rolled herself over to a bunch of computer monitors.
"I'll be over here, so just call if you need anything." She said pulling down her mask,, showing a friendly smile. He stared at her motionlessly as he heard the sound of her clicking the mouse, and the tapping of her typing.

     He tried to reposition himself again, but it was no use. He let out a helpless sob as he sunk back down onto the hospital bed. The nurse quickly turned at the sound of his sob, and came over to him.
"Do you need help re-adjusting your pillows?" She asked standing by the side of his bed. He nodded helplessly, as she lifted him up a bit to fluff his pillows. As she did, he finally decided to ask,
"Where is my father, or Nataliegh. I want them." He said as his lip began to quiver.
"You're father had an important call from work, and took it while you were unconscious. I just informed him you woke, and they should be here shortly." She said helping him lay back into the squishy pillows.
"Thank you..." He managed to say.

     Of course he'd leave me alone here unconscious. He doesn't give two cents about me. He thought angrily in his head.
"You're welcome hon. Let me know if you have any more unusual pain, or the feel of another spell coming on, okay?" She said smiling through her mask. He only nodded his head back in return. At least my nurse is nice... He thought looking over to the heart monitor.

     He stared at it, and watched closely at each time his heart would thump. Up, down, up, down, beep! Up, down, up down, beep! He never thought he'd ever be hooked up to one of these machines in a hospital bed. It felt so unreal. He hoped to never see one of those heart monitor  machines again! After having to watch his mother's heart thumping stop on one in the past.

     "Someone is here to visit... Adrien Agreste?" Another nurse said opening the door to his room, reading his name off of a clip board. Maybe that's Nataliegh and my father! He thought as relief came across him.
"Thank you Lisa. Adrien, do you feel up for a visitor? It's all up to how you are feeling." His nurse Becky asked him from her chair.
"It's not my father?..." He asked in disappointment.
"No, I think it's one of your classmates." The nurse by the entrance with the clip board said, writing something down.

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