"Healed" And Home

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     Excitement, and relief filled Adrien's body as he packed up his last few things from the hospital room. He was finally going home! He shoved his stuff in his douffle bag, and flung it over his shoulder. Then he picked up his new cane he had been assigned to to help him walk for now. He slowly hoisted himself up, using the cain for support.

     He remembered being angry about having a cane to help him walk for a while, due to his weakened legs. But, Marinette's encouragement to walk, and use the cane went through his head.
I am the luckiest guy to have a friend like her! He thought as he leaned on it, and took a few weak steps with it.

     "Are you ready to go back home Adrien?" Natalie asked him with a relieved, genuine smile herself.
"More than ready!" He said longing for home. He never thought he'd ever miss his big, open, lonely, black and white home. But, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the place.

     "Okay, Adrien. Here is your list of medications, and the steps I want you to practice in case you go into another dizzy spell." The doctor said handing him a clipboard with all the information regarding his problems.
"Let's practice going over this now, because it's very important!" The doctor said grabbing it back from him.

"Okay, you start feeling a dizzy spell coming, what's the first thing you do?" He asked, waiting for his answer.
"Awknowledge it first, then immediately lay down slowly onto your left side incase you would fall. If it's not one, lay for at least a minute before standing up again to be safe. If it's a spell, get into the fetal position sitting up, and use you two knees to press against the two sides of your head until it passes. If it's super severe, call for help, or call 9-11 if possible." He quoted almost word for word.

     "Very good! I am glad you're taking this seriously. You should be alright then!" The doctor said handing the clip board back, and almost sighing with relief. Adrien smiled to himself as he followed behind Natalie towards the exit to the hospital.
"A few friends of yours came over to the house earlier today. They left you a surprise for when you get home." Natalie told him as they walked the long parking garage, to her car.
"Really?" He asked with enthusiasm. A big smile creased his cheeks as he thought, how lucky am I to have friends like these!

     Natalie helped lift him into the car, and handed him his cane before heading to the front seat. He watched as she slid the keys into the ignition, but froze. She gripped the steering wheel so tight her knuckles whitened, as she leaned her head against it as well. She stayed that way a while as Adrien's whole body filled with worry, and curiosity.
"Is everything all right, Natalie?" He barely made out.

     She slowly turned to him with a forced smile and said,
"Just a stress headache. It's been a busy week. Don't worry about me Adrien. You should be putting your own health as your main priority." Then she turned the key, and the engine shuttered to a start.

     Her comment made him look down at his new cane. A frown appeared knowing he wouldn't be able to walk right for a long time without it. Possibly forever! Am I gonna be stuck with this cane for the rest of my life? He thought letting his fingers slide across its smooth shiny wooden surface. How can I be Chat Noir like this? What if I really do have what my mom had? He thought again with worry.

     He put his face in his hands at all the frustrating questions that kept creeping through his mind, making his stomach twist. He let out a few queit sobs to himself. All the pressure, and stress had taken a lot out of him. He didn't feel the same anymore. He realized each passing day it was getting increasingly worse. It was as if he was slowly fading away. That made him shiver.

     "We're here Adrien!" Natalie announced parking the car, crashing his thoughts. He looked up at the huge pale yellow mansion in front of him. It seemed so much more grand since he'd been away from it for so long. Seeing a color other then white, and cyan was like a breath of fresh air. He quickly unbuckled, and stood up to open the door, but quickly tumbled back into his seat. He turned and scoffed at his cane again as he re-remembered he wasn't strong enough to walk without it.

     He picked it up, and used it to help him maneuver out of the car. Natalie had grabbed his bags from the trunk already, and was heading in through the front door. He took slow steps as his cane click-clacked onto the concrete below him. He wanted to let it all sink in. Everything is going to be different now, and a lot more difficult... He thought letting out a sigh.

     He opened the awfully tall door with his free hand, and stood their a moment. He looked around the empty, quiet mansion. Nothing had changed. All his lonely memories came flooding back in. Neglect. Loneliness. Captivity. It all made him frown again.

     "You're father is out doing some errands. He told he'll be back soon, and that he wishes to join you for dinner." Natalie informed him, helping him walk in, and shut the door. Yeah, he better wish to have dinner withe me! He thought with a snarl.
"I also told the cook to make your favorite meal and desert. I hope you're looking forward to it after living off of hospital food for so long." She said leading him to the dining room.

     Adrien's jaw dropped as he saw streamers hung everywhere above the long table. Pieces of confetti sat all over the table, and a 'Welcome home Adrien' sign hung high behind where he sits. His chair was decked with streamers, and a pile of presents sat there as well.

     He beamed st the sight, and couldn't help tears of joy sliding down his cheeks.
"You've got some really good friends Adrien. I'm glad you have people who look out for you." Natalie said sinking in the sight herself.
"Me too." He laughed sitting down at his seat for a rest.
"I'm also am very glad you're back Adrien. It's not the same here without you." She said placing her hand on his shoulder, looking at him with a genuine smile.

     He smiled back, but couldn't help but notice the dark bags underneath her eyes. She looked exhausted, and as though she aged ten years since before he had went to the hospital. I guess all my health problems were effecting more then just me... He thought, feeling a frown come on his face again.
"Thanks Natalie for being here for me this whole stressful time." He said back, allowing a smirk to form.

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