Unsettling Feelings

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Adrien looked up at his school's door, as he began to walk up the steps, holding the strap of his back-pack. All of the sudden, he felt his whole body tense as he grabbed himself, and wailed in pain. He bit his lip, and grabbed at his heart as he collapsed to the ground.

"Adrien!" He heard a worried voice in the distance ring in his ear. He heard footsteps drawing near, as he kept his eyes clamped shut. I remember this happening to me once before. What- what is wrong with me? He thought, as he began to feel like he was fading.

"Adrien, oh my gosh!" Someone said lifting him into their arms. He allowed himself to open his eyes. Everything had a weird purple, blue hue. Am I blacking out? He looked up to see his clumbsy, yet, amazing friend Marinette in front of him. Her blue bell eyes shone with worry, as her everyday pig-tails hung around her shoulders swiftly. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

"Adrien? Can you answer me?" She asked as he felt himself blacking out again. Every part of his body stiffened, as he hugged himself again. Then within a snap of a finger, the pain disappeared.

He sat up abruptly confused. He felt completely normal again. He turned to Marinette who began to turn beat red. He realized he was sitting in her lap. "Oh, sorry Marinette!" He laughed nervously as he stood up.
"I don't know what came over me, I feel completely fine all of the sudden. " He told her, as he gave her his hand, and hoisted her up.

"Are you sure you're okay? You looked like you passed out a few times. Maybe you should stay home today..." Marinette suggested, resting her hand on his shoulder. The thought of HOME made his stomach twist. His empty, lifeless, sad home.

"I'd- rather stay here... " He said honestly, as he looked to the ground with a frown.
"Is everything okay Adrien?" Marinette asked him with concern. He wanted to just lash out everything, and tell her, but he decided to keep it to himself.
"It's fine, it's just not very fun to be at my home alone most of the time you know?" He lied in a way, with a fake laugh.

She gave him a smile, but he knew she didn't completely believe him.
"Are you sure? You were just blacking out, and wailing in pain a few seconds ago. It could be serious. What if it happens again?" She asked him honestly. What if it did? He thought about what she said.
"Well, if it does, at least I can trust you'll be there to help me." He smiled at her. She gave a slight giggle, as her cheeks tinted pink.

"Just let me know if you start feeling weird again okay? It would probably be best if we get you home if it does." She told him, as she made her way up the steps. Adrien grabbed her arm as she turned to him with a confused expression.
"Marinette... Could you maybe... keep a secret?..." He asked scratching the back of his head.
"Sure, what is it? " She asked giving him her full attention. I
"It's... It's what I've been thinking for awhile now and-" RRRINGGGG. The school bell interrupted him.

"Oh no! We're gonna be late. You can tell me later! Bye Adrien" She shouted, waving her hand goodbye, as she ran in through the door. He let out a weary sigh. Every time I need to talk to someone. This always happens.


"And that's when the Vikings found, and moved to England...." Mrs. Bustier told them, as she pointed to a map of England. Adrien listened intently to every word like he always did, storing it all in his brain. "Now, does anyone remember the name of the Viking who moved to England, after finding, and scattering from north America?" She asked all of the students. Instinctivly, he lifted his hand to answer.

"Yes, Adrien?" She called on him to answer. He was about to open his mouth, as a blueish-purple hue came across the room, as it began to spin. It's happening again!
"Adrien? Adrien, is everything all right?" His teacher asked, getting his attention. He shook himself awake, and managed to say,
"I was just asking if I could use the restroom." He said to hopefully get Marinette's attention. He never missed out on answering Mrs. Bustiér's question.

The class laughed, as he gave Marinette a look. Marinette seem to get the memo as she gave the same look back.
"Yes you may Adrien." The teacher giggled to herself. Adrien stood up, and quickly grabbed on to something to keep himself up from his wobbling knees. He tried to look normal, as he staggeredly walked out of the class room door.

He made it to the boys bathroom, and leaned against the stall door frustrated.
"Why is this happening to me?" He asked himself, rubbing his temple, as he hunched over from the tense pain. Once the spasm went away, he walked out to splash cool water on his face.

He looked up in the mirror at himself. He looked beat up, tired, and miserable. No wonder Marienette's so worried! He thought with horror, looking at himself. He felt so off. Something wasn't right. Something wasn't right at all! He had a bad feeling it had to do with his lack of memory, and his mother.

He looked back up at his reflection.
"What is wrong?" He asked the mirror, as his lip began to quiver.
"My dad is keeping something from me." he whispered, as streaks of tears poured down his face. What if I have whatever my mother had? The thought sent his stomach through the ceiling.
"What is he hiding!" He screamed as he punched the mirror in front of him. It made a loud noise, as the glass shattered in front of him.

He sobbed loudly, as he looked at all his mini faces looking back at him. Broken. He was just as broken, and shattered inside as the mirror. He felt his whole life is just feign.

"Adrien? What is going on in there?" He quickly turned at the sound of Marinette's voice, as she knocked. Without thinking, he walked out of the boys bathroom, the mess that he was. Her eyes widened at his bloody fist. He didn't realize it was bleeding, he didn't even feel the pain.

"Adrien-" Before she could finish her sentence, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, and sobbed. He needed this. He needed someone. He needed to be held. He felt his friend tighten the hug, as he shoved his face into her shoulder.
"Whatever may be going on, I'm here for you, Adrien." She whispered in his ear.

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