Two Spells?

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     Adrien sat in his room on his white sofa as he played video games on his screen t.v.
"Oh, come on!" He said as he got hit in the game and died.
"I'm so sick of playing Breath of the Wilderness now Plagg! I've been doing nothing but playing this game for three days straight because I don't know what else to do!" He said to his kwami, as he threw himself with a pout across the couch.
"I'm also sick of watching you die in that game three days in a row!" Plagg exclaimed crossing his arms.
"Are those mini guardian bosses even that difficult?" Adrien slowly turned his head to his kwami then said,
"You have no idea..."

     "Then why don't you just go through all the junk in your room then? There's enough to stay busy for the rest of the day." He suggested, gesturing to his freakishly huge bedroom full of stuff.
"Not a bad idea!" He said giving his kwami a smile. He quickly grabbed his cane, and made his way towards all his disks up the steps of his room, as it made clicking noises as he went along.
"This thing is starting to really get on my nerves now. " Adrien sighed as he slowly, but surely hopped each step with the cane.
"Funny they say things get better over time. What a lie." He said gripping the rail to keep him sturdy.

     "Let's see what we got here!" He said happily, as he looked at all the tall shelves filled with things to look through.
"We could look through my old homeschooling books?" He suggested, looking towards his kwami for approval.
"School, blegh! Too boring." He said spitting his tongue out in disgust.
"Okay then... Oh! There is my old drawing notebook stuff when I was younger." He said pointing to the next shelf over.
"My dad said I loved to draw as a kid. I honestly don't know why I stopped. Those would be fun to look through!" He said excitedly, as he pulled them out.

     "I guess we're looking at them then... " Plagg sighed, plopping beside him to see, as Adrien sat down, and showed him the cover.
"'Drawings by Adrien Agreste.'" He read out loud from the front of the notebook.
"This was my first notebook it looks like. It was eight years ago, so that means I was only six when I drew these. " He laughed as he opened to the first page.

     The first page was a typical sloppy drawing of the ocean with fish in it, and the sun in the corner of the paper. He smiled a little as he turned the page again. The second one was him trying to write his name fancy over and over again. He giggled, and turned the page again to find a water colored painted picture of mountains. Extra pointy mountains that is.
"This is getting boring... Can we look at your newest one so we can see more improved drawings." His kwami moaned, laying on his stomach.
"Let me enjoy this Plagg! I don't remember drawing these, but it's nice to look at them." He smiled turning the page again.

     The next drawing made his heart sink. He moved the book closer to him to get a better look at it.
"'Me and mommy...'" He quoted from the picture. It was a drawing of him and his mom holding hands with flowers surrounding them. He bit his lip as he smoothed his fingers over it, and tears formed in his eyes. he held it to him, and hugged it, letting out a few sobs.

     "Are you alright Adrien?" His kwami quickly came over to ask and comfort him, as he put his little paw on his shoulder with worry.
"I don't even remember drawing one of these Plagg... What if these spells are giving me dementia? What if I really do have what my mom has?" He asked his kwami, as he slowly brought the notebook back down to look at it again.
"It feels like she was gone so soon. Even though I had her for 13 years. Why is this?" He asked again, staring at the drawing.

     They both sat in silence for a while, before Plagg finally broke in and said,
"Why don't we look at a more recent one, shall we?" He laughed nervously, flying over to the shelf with his other art notebooks.
"I guess..." He sighed, standing up, and putting the one he had back. He pulled out the most current one, and sat back down again.
"'Adrien's artwork.' This one was three years ago. So, I was eleven." He told Plagg.
"Wow! Look at the details on this sunflower! I didn't realize I was this good at drawing! Why'd I ever stop?" He exclaimed admiring the drawing in front of him.
"Way to bragg Adrien..." Plagg commented, rolling his eyes.

     Adrien ignored him, and kept flipping through the pages of highly detailed, and well drawn artwork.
"I don't recall ever drawing these, but this notebook has my name all over it. So it is definitely mine..." He said quietly to himself, turning to the last page. It was a drawing of a backpack saying, 'First year of public middle school!

     "Wait... Plagg! Look at this! It says I was public schooled, but I was home schooled all my life up until now..." He said showing Plagg the page.
"That's strange. Maybe your father had you try out school for the first time that year, but he didn't like it, so he started home schooling you again?" His kwami said shrugging his shoulders.
"Could be. But how come I don't remember? I should remember Plagg! Regardless!" He said, beginning to raise his voice.
"This is gonna drive me crazy if I don't get answers Plagg!" He said, slamming the book shut, and putting it under his arm.
"I know my dad is hiding something. I am going to demand answers out of him now!" He exclaimed, using his cane to hoist him up.

     "I think you should take a few deep breaths and calm down first before you go demand stuff out of your father..." Plagg said getting in front of his face to rationalize with him.
"Why would I calm down first? Maybe he'll be more honest if I come with a bit of anger. I have every right to be upset Plagg." He said pushing his kwami aside, as he made it down the last step.
"Well... You know how your dad gets. Especially when you come to him with things like this. So if you're both getting super fiery, this whole place is gonna be making cheese melt!" He exclaimed getting in his face again.

     "I guess things have to get fiery then. I want answers Plagg, now go hide away so you won't be seen!" He said with a glare, shoving him aside for the last time.
"Then don't come back crying to me then after how bad it will be!" Plagg shouted as he slammed the door behind him, gripping his art book, and cane tightly in both of his hands.

     He stormed his way downstairs, hoping his father would figure out he was mad. I hear him talking to someone downstairs. There is no way he can ignore this. He thought making extra loud noises with his cane as he made his way where his father was talking.
"I feel so dizzy all the sudden! Gabriel, Help!" He heard Natalie cry. He felt himself freeze at the cry of her voice. He quickly, but quietly made his way to a wall, and peeked anxiously over at them. Natalie was in a squat with her hand on her chest, trying to steady her breathing. He watched as his father quickly picked her up, and sat her down on a nearby chair to rest.

     "I guess you've been working too much lately... Here's some water, you should take a break." His father said handing her a glass full of water to the brim. She took it trembling, and took of a few sips. Out of it. It looks like she is having one of my dizzy spells!? He thought as his heart pounded wildly in his chest, as his throat grew dry. Why... Why would she be having one too? As soon as I come around. As his mind went buzzing, everything began to sway a little. Am I having one of my spells now too!? He thought, as he quickly sat himself down, and put his head between his legs.

     It went away quickly as he slowly stood back up, and used the cane for most of his support. What is going on!? He thought panicky, as he peeked back over.
"I should be fine now, thank you." Natalie said out of breath, starting to relax in her chair.
"Okay then. I am gonna go check on Adrien and see if he is okay too." His father said back. Oh no! He thought looking back up to where his room is. I gotta somehow run back up there quickly or he'll find out I was spying!

     Without hesitation, he ran as fast as he could possibly go with his cane, and shut the bedroom door behind him. He leaned against it breathing heavily.
"Back so soon, eh?" Plagg asked crossing his arms.
"No time Plagg, quickly hide! My dad is coming!" He exclaimed jumping towards his bed, and wrapping a blanket around him so he wouldn't look suspicious, as the door creaked open.

     "Adrien, are you in here?" His father asked peeping his head through the door.
"Yes, I'm here! What is it?" He asked cozily sitting on his bed.
"Just came to make sure you're alright. Have you had any spells recently?" He asked.
"I had one just a little bit ago, but it was minor. I am fine though. Anything else?" He answered, and asked innocently.
"No, that's all. Continue with what you were doing." He said closing the door behind him.

     Adrien let out a long weary sigh as he flung himself across his bed.
"From what just happened, I assume you chickened out." He heard Plagg say hovering over him.
"Oh quiet Plagg! We'll have that talk soon enough!" He said with a snarl.
"I did see somethig very questionable though..."

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