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      Adrien stared out the window from his bed and watched as the sun slowly went down, and hid behind some tall buildings. He was waiting for his nurse to bring him his water before leaving him to sleep for the night. He wanted to go to "bed" early so he could talk to Plagg about his problem, concerning being Chat Noir stuck in a hospital bedridden.

     After a few moments of waiting, he heard the door creak open, as his nurse Becky stepped in. She came over to him, and helped sit him up so he could drink his water without choking. Then she helped lift the cup to his mouth as the rush of the cold water went into his parched mouth. Then she said in almost a whisper.

     "I know you wanted to go to bed Adrien, but you have an important visitor waiting for you. She is very anxious to see you, and she said she won't be long." He swallowed his gulp of water in confusion, then asked.
"Who is it?"
"I think she said her name was... Nataliegh?" The nurse said, trying to make sure she remembered the name right.
"Oh, that's my bodyguard. I am okay if she comes in real quick." He said with a smile. At least Nataleigh is actually concerned enough about me to ask if she can see me first before barging in. He snarled in his head, remembering the ruckess his father caused earlier. He even made Marinette leave. She looked like she was going to cry when she said her goodbyes. He thought clenching his fists again.

     "Adrien..." He heard Nataliegh's voice come softly. He turned to see her holding a boquet of flowers in her hand. But, her face seemed to be full of worry, and guilt. She creeped closer as she sat in the chair beside his bed, and placed the flowers on his bedside table.
"These are for you. How are you doing?" She quickly stated, more worried about him clearly.
"If I am being honest Nataliegh... Not too  well." He sighed looking down as he began playing with his bed's white sheets.
"I am scared." He said turning to look out the window, biting his lip.

     He quickly turned around and looked  at her with surprise at the feel of her hand on his.
"Adrien, I am sorry that your father acted that way towards you. He said his apologies too. But, I don't agree with what he did, no matter what he is going through." She told him, looking him straight in the face. His eyes widened bigger at the words that just came out of her mouth. She would never dare any other time to say such things about my father. I guess it takes me being in a hospital bed for people to actually see, and validate things I guess. He thought to himself.

     "I really want to know what you have to say Adrien. I am worried for you. Why are you scared?" She asked with her sincere eyes again. He gave her a weary look, as his small smile quickly faded.
"I... I just don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't know why this is happening all of the sudden. I just want to go back to school, and see my friends and just be normal again! But, instead I am hooked up to a bunch of machines, as I fret with the doctors that can't seem to find the matter with me..." He let out, as he fought to control tears.

     He watched as her eyes furrowed with his words. She didn't say anything, but he knew she was actually paying attention to him. Some sort of parental figure, for once in such a long time! He swallowed hard, looking up to avoid more tears from forming, then barely let out the rest.
"I had to watch my mother go through the same thing... I watched the machine as her heart stopped. It's all triggering me, and I am waiting for mine to turn off too..." He said, finally letting out a mini sob.
"I am afraid I have what she has, and am destined to die any day now..." He said turning back to her, as his body trembled with silent sobs, as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"I'm not ready to die yet Nataliegh."

     He felt her grip get tighter on his hand, as the sound of her sob clench at his heart, as he watched her kneel beside his bed.
He let his own sobs overtake his aching, weak body. They both sobbed together what seemed like ten minutes, which only made them cry more from each other's wails. He began to feel uncomfortable, as he tried to wipe the tears and snot off of his face. Nataliegh noticed, and quickly went for a tissue. She came over, and helped hold it by his nose for him.

     "Blow," she said waiting for him. He tried to take a deep breath, and blow. But, It sounded so weak that she began to laugh. He tried again, but it made a weird noise that made him laugh as well. They both giggled like idiots, until he was finally able to clear his nostrils.

     He laid back down comfortably in his bed, with a relieved smile on his face, ready for a good night's rest. But, Nataliegh came back with a wet rag, and washed the tears off of his face. He laid motionless as the warm rag rubbed his puffy, pale face. Then she whispered to him,
"I may not be able to answer your questions Adrien, and I may not be able to replace your mother. But, I will always be here to take care of you. Always know that." She said giving his hand one last squease before turning, and heading out. He felt a lump form in his throat, as his eyes stung again, forming more tears. He couldn't find any words to say, so he just watched her in silence as she opened the door to his room to leave.

     Before she walked out, she turned back around and said.
"Sleep well, Adrien. I will be back here tomorrow to discuss your therapy plan." She said closing the door behind her. Therapy plan... He thought sighing to himself. "I've got a long way from being better... He moaned under his breath.

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