2. Old Fashioned

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* mature content *
She was interrupted from her thoughts by a voice, a very hot British voice.
"What's got you down?"
"Huh? Oh nothing"
"your a terrible liar but fine have it your way. I'm sure THE Taylor swift will cheer up soon enough" he joked with a grin on his face that showed his gorgeous dimples.
And he wasn't wrong within ten minutes and one more old fashioned she was laughing and opening up to him.
They chatted and laughed and even danced a little until about 11 by which point they were both more than tipsy.
"I'm just going to go and fix my makeup"
"Ok I'll be here"
She walked over to the women's restroom and stumbled through the door. Thankfully she was alone.
Shit I drank way too much, I don't think joe it this bad maybe he can walk me home
She tried to reapply her makeup as her red lipstick was now smudged from all the drinking and dancing. Maybe she was trying to forget what Calvin did or was she just too caught up in how gorgeous joe was, either way all that mattered was she needed to get home before she did something stupid.

At that moment the door swung open and the one person she couldn't  bear to look at walked in.  Adam.   Her hands started to shake and her heart was racing but she couldn't look weak.
"Get out it's the women's"
"We're alone" he took two steps closer
"No. Stay back. I swear to god don't touch me!" She wanted to scream but the last thing she needed was the press finding out that she ran out of a toilet from her own boyfriend.
"Baby come on" he replied using all of his charm that he knew she loved
"No way I'm not drunk enough to forget that You hit me, threw me against a wall and tried to.. to" she couldn't even finish the sentence
He looked genuinely sorry even hurt by the way she reacted to being near him which made way to big of a difference in her drunk and heartbroken state.
He took another step closer.
"Adam stop plea.." was all she managed to get out as he came right up to her. She was terrified but was so scared to loose him that she would do anything to get him back. She completely forgot about joe waiting at the bar for her.
Adam started making out with her and feeling his way under her dress, somewhere inside she knew he was taking advantage of her but she would do anything to win him back.
He picked her up and put her on the counter next to all her makeup while keeping one hand firmly on her ass and the other round her neck. She was so passive letting him do things she never normally would because she couldn't stop him. He knew that. She winced and the sound of his voice as he moaned from pleasure. She could feel him pressing against her thigh and knew what he would do next.

He was thrusting into her causing tears to fall once again which he chose to ignore.
Finally he finished and let her go before walking out of the room and back over to the dance floor. So she fixed her dress and makeup but just as she was ready to leave she heard someone shouting her name.
"Taylor!" "Taylor! Seriously I'm worried"
"Shit!" She forgot about joe.
She ran outside feeling so bad for ditching him.

"Oh my god are you ok?" Clearly she didn't sort herself out as well as she thought she did. Clearly she had been crying.
"Who the hell was that that left the toilets?"
She felt like she was going to break down in the middle of the party.
"M..my boyfriend" she wasn't sure if she could even call him that anymore.
"Oh" joe thought that he had completely misread the night and felt like an idiot for getting so attached to what was a stunning, beautiful woman but now looked drunk and broken.
"Could you please um take me home"
That was when he realised what was going on, clearly that's what she had been upset about earlier and now he had arrived and they had argued.
He thought is was a bit strange but it was I n fact is way way worse and she needed help.
"Of course."

Dancing with our hands tied. -jaylor-Where stories live. Discover now