45. Paper rings

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"Are you ready babe?"
"Yeah coming!"
His jaw dropped when he saw her walking down the stairs. She was wearing a short lavender dress with an open back that flaunted her gorgeous figure. She blushed when she caught him staring.
"You look ...... beautiful."
"Thanks babe you don't think it's too revealing ."
"Not if I'm the one looking at it." He smirked
"Joe!" She gave him a lighthearted punch on the shoulder.
"Ok will you please tell me where we're going?"
"Not yet."
They left her apartment and walked to the car.
"Evening miss."
"Hi Adam" her warm smile melted joe's heart.
They arrived in 10 minutes.

"Taylor! This is one of the most expensive restaurants in New York!"
"Yeah it's soo good."
"You didn't need to-"
"Uh huh don't" she put a finger on his lips jokingly

"Hi I've made a reservation under the name swift."
"Yes follow me."
"Uhh babe why is it empty."
"Oh I booked the whole place."
"Oh my god! Taylor!"
She gave him a cheeky smile.
"I just wanted some privacy."
Their food was amazing and they stayed for a few hours. In between courses joe slipped his hand onto her bare thigh.
"Joe! Not right now!" She giggled
He ventured further
"But ur sooo beautiful"
"Babe save it till we get home!"

When they got home jo walked in to find the whole apartment covered in fairy lights and candles.
"Taylor oh my good are you going to propose!!"
She laughed at his panicked expression. She knew he would want to be the one to do that.
"No silly! It's just a bit of fun." She laughed  and picked up a bottle of champagne.
"Woah how expensive was that."
"Oh. My. God"
"Well it's a special occasion."
"Babe I feel like a sugar baby! I know your like a multimillionaire and all but-" they both burst out laughing.
"Well you better enjoy it then."
They sat and chatted for a few hours.
"Ok I have one more surprise!"
"Another one!"
"Yes close your eyes."
He heard a bit of shuffling around and a zip being undone.
"Ok open"
He opened his eyes and his heart fell out of his chest. She was standing in front of him in black lingerie.
"Do you like it?"
"Bedroom now."
She chuckled and they moved to the bedroom.
"I have no idea how I ended up with you but I'm pretty fucking happy I did."
Their lips pressed together and they closed the door.

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