51. And they said speak now

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Btw I think when you read this book you should think of it almost like they are actors playing themselves in a movie because obviously the storyline is ridiculous so the real Taylor and Joe wouldn't have this happen to them so yeah.

Everything was a bit of a blur from then on and before she knew it she was back in the court room. Today joe and the owner of the house we're going to testify. The guy was first.
"Please state your name date of birth and address for the court."
"Eliot parr. 04.09.75   24 fifth street nyc."
Antony stood up and started the questioning.
"Have you ever met Miss swift?"
"What would you say about her from this first impression of what you see now. You do have a psychology degree don't you."
"Uh yeah I do um.. well she's tall well dressed."
Antony was unimpressed with his answer but Eliot was clearly uncomfortable.
"Come on you know that's not what I want."
"Ok she's anxious, you can se her leg shaking under the table-"
Everyone turned to look at her. She felt like an animal in a cage.
"Her body language implies that she doesn't want all of this attention. Her posture shows that she feels self conscious but to be honest this is expected and unfai to judge upon."
That wasn't the answer Antony wanted.
"We're you the one who sent the cctv footage to the court?"
"What did you think of it?"
"And the blood everywhere when you we finally allowed back in the house."
"So you don't think anyone in a stable mindset would do that."
"One last question."
"If you were standing there and she was wearing some ridiculous tiny dress and she was flirting would you take her up on it."
Everyone was taken aback and Taylor held her arms in front of herself protectively.
"I.. I"
"No further questions."
Jo was fuming when she stood up to take her turn.
"Great. Now that we're done objectifying Taylor. Yes she has a name, she isn't just she or her she is Taylor."
"I wanted to ask if you personally thought he was mentally stable."
"Well obviously to do that you can't be normal or ok. But it was planned weeks in advance when he rented it out if that means anything to you."
"Thank you for your honesty. And do you really think that she would orchestrate any of this?"
"No. That I don't."
"And do you think that mr mallark's comments and actions today would have made Taylor uncomfortable."
"I.. uh believe they would have yes."
Antony shot him a furious look.
"That's all."
It was time of a short break before the next set of questioning.
"You did great Taylor." Jo encouraged
"Thanks. I can't believe how low he would go to humiliate me."
"That's just criminal law for you."

Shortly after that joe went and sat down. Jo went first.
"I know it's painful and you've had to do this so many times but could you recount what happened once you arrived at the house for the court.
"Well he had told me I would find her body so I was trying to prepare myself for the worst but when I walked in I was so happy to see she was alive. The fear in her eyes broke my heart, she screamed for me to stay back. Then he shot her. I was so happy to see her alive but about 2 seconds after I walked in he fired at her. The bullet hit her in the ribs and blood poured out onto the mattress. She passed out immediately from a mixture of the drugs and the impact force of the bullet. He shot me in the knee before I could help her. I lay on the floor watching her die, death is permanent. I thought that that was it and she was gone forever. I watched the life drain from her body. Even then she was beautiful to me."
Taylor couldn't hold back the tears but Joe kept it together to stay strong for her.
"Thank you joe."
"What was it like receiving the threats leading up to the night?"
"Horrible. Knowing I couldn't protect her when videos of him stroking her body while we slept appeared on our bedside table."
"Has she ever been unfaithful or anything like that."
"Absolutely not.... I know she wouldn't want me to talk about this but one time I thought she had done something wrong so I left. A week later Selena finally called me to say that she hadn't eaten at all and that I had been wrong and someone had tried to take advantage of her. She always comes across so strong and powerful to the public but honestly she's really vulnerable."
Everyone was shocked by his confession, including Taylor who didn't even try to hide it.
"So you would think someone like her wouldn't be putting herself in situations like that would you?"
She asked the jury who gave a lot of sympathy looks.
She sat down and Joe got ready for Antony's questions.
"You are aware of what she does for work."
"Obviously." Joe was already short tempered.
"Don't you think she can come across is provocative?"
"No!" This was going to be bad.
"You don't think the was she dresses, dances, acts or what she sings about is oh I don't know... just unnecessarily..... sexual?"
"We'll look at her-" everyone turned to look at her and she was shaking. He turned to look at Taylor, his eyes roaming making her extremely uncomfortable.
"-she's quite beautiful, her body is amazing and she dances in such short outfits. Could you really blame someone if-"
Silence. Antony got exactly what he wanted. A reaction.
Jo stood up.
"This is highly inappropriate! My client it extremely uncomfortable and shouldn't be treated like this."
"Sustained." The judge replied.
"I have no further questions."
He sat down.
Once the judge and jury left everyone stood up and started leaving. Taylor ran to the toilets. She felt so disgusting. Her breathing became shallow and she leaned against the wall. She heard someone coming in. She moved as far away from the door as possible expecting it to be Antony again but thankfully it wasn't.
"BABE? Are you in there? I uh can't come in."
"I.. I'm alone you can come in."
He stepped in cautiously but ran over when he saw her. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.
"It's ok babe."
"Why did you have to say that! Why did you make them think u starved my self. I don't have an eating disorders!" She sobbed into his chest.
"I'm sorry babe but yes you do. You know you make a list of everything you eat and when your self conscious or stressed you stop eating altogether. They needed to know that you aren't some manipulative celebrity."
She wasn't really mad at him, just embarrassed by Antony and her own self destruction.
"Let's go home."

Ok so I hope this makes up for my lack of updates. I'm thinking of starting to stick to a schedule of updating once a week. Also when I started this I had no idea what I was doing so I might start changing a few things with how I format this so yeah. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT if you want me to update more than once a week coz I'm not sure lol.💜

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