14. Clean

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Two weeks later:



She was walking leaving her apartment for the first time since she got home and was surrounded by paparazzi. Joe was so angry at them for the things they shout at her. He could see how upset it made her and it was the last thing they needed.
They were on their way to the police station to give their testimonies against Adam and she was shaking uncontrollably.
"Tay baby it's ok" he stroked her hair.


"Ok miss tell me exactly what happened from start to finish."

"The first time he hit me was when he came home drunk on September 20th. He held my wrists and slapped me before trying to make me sleep with him but I ran away."

"Ok continue"

"Then at the met gala after party  he went into the girls bathroom to find me. I was extremely drunk but I still asked him to stop. He didn't. He took advantage of me. When I woke up I couldn't remember what had happened but I knew he took advantage of me so I messaged him and he told me that he ended up forcing himself on me. I ran out crying when Joe found me and took me home."

"Then we didn't speak for about ten months until he messaged me telling me to collect my stuff because he wouldn't be home. He was. He was drunk and had photos of us all over the room. I think his security knew not to let my friend inside with me because she was worried about me."

" ok. We are letting you know now what we found when we searched the house. It was in fact premeditated. He had been planning it for months but it seems like when he got drunk he deviated from the original plan which was essentially to kill you with extremely dangerous drugs which we found in his bedside table along with signs that he had been stalking you."

"Ok" was all she could muster

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