You held my lifeless frame

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A few weeks later  when Taylor woke up she had a fever and a cough. Her chest aches when she breathed and she felt light headed coming up the stairs but she knew Joe would worry and make her go to the hospital so she took a few pills and tried to look as healthy as possible.
"Morning babe"
"Morning." Her voice was breathy and quiet
"Hey are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Are you sure you look pale. You should lie down"
"Yeah I probably have a cold because of yesterday."
She made her way to the staircase with Joe close behind her when she started to feel dizzy. She could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her ears as she lost her footing and fell. Thankfully joe caught her before she hit the marble steps.
"Oh my god are you ok? What happened?"
He expected her to stand back up but she didn't have the strength to pull herself out of his arms
"Taylor!? Are you alright"
"I.. I" she could hardly breath
"Shit! Taylor say something" he picked her up and carried her over to the bed
"I'm.. I'm fine just a bit dizzy" she couldn't focus on him giving her eyes a bit of a lifeless glaze as she stared at the sealing
She put one hand to her head before coughing
"I'm going to get some water, please don't try and move"
She felt like someone was squeezing her lungs and she just couldn't get any air, the pain was so bad but she didn't want to further worry Joe
"Here you-" he went to stroke her bangs back but felt her temperature
"Oh my god! Your head is so hot!"
He noticed that her hands were shaking and her lips were starting to go purple.her breathing was super irregular and shallow
"Taylor say something your scaring me!"
She forced a smile but soon realised she might be really ill and shouldn't pretend to be fine
"I.. can't... breath properly"
"I'm taking you to the hospital now!"
She coughed again, this time there was blood in her hands
"BABY OH MY GOD" he was terrified.
"I really love you Joe"
"Don't do that stop! You'll be fine!" He was really trying to convince himself
"I think I should call an ambulance. I don't know if I can get you to the hospital fast enough."
"No....other people-"
He dialed 999 keeping his eyes on Taylor
"What services do you require?"
"An ambulance!"
" is the patient breathing?"
"She's trying but she can't get any air"
"Paramedics are on their way please stay on the line."
"What other symptoms is the patient experiencing and what's their current health like?"
"My girlfriend, she's 26 she was ok yesterday but now she's shaking, has a fever, her lips are blue, she fainted on the stairs a few minutes ago and she's coughing up blood!" His voice cracked

"Is she conscious?" The woman started to sound increasingly nervous.
"I can hardly tell her eyes are open but their glassy- Taylor please say something!"
"She's conscious!"
"The ambulance is 5 minutes away do you think it could be Pneumonia?"
"Oh my god! She was outside in the snow at night in only a dress a few weeks ago and she fell into a frozen lake a couple days ago!!"
"Ok sir you have to-"
But then her eyes rolled back before closing and she stopped moving breathing.
'That's it. She's dead it's my fault.' He thoughts
he almost felt like ending it too so she wouldn't be alone.
"Sir what's going on?"
The paramedics arrived and he dropped his phone and ran downstairs.
"Come here ! please! She was fine yesterday I don't think she's even breathing."
They ran up in the direction he pointed in and burst through the door.
"Female 26 not breathing."
He put one hand over his mouth as her watched the trying to bring her back.
They tried to resuscitate her twice before they had any success. But then he saw one of the paramedics facial expression drop.
"No pulse!"
Joe's knees gave way and he fell onto the floor
"Defib!...Clear!" She shook. She lay there so peacefully, even now she was beautiful.
She shook again. They gave each other worried looks
"One more ...clear!"
"Pulse." Thank god she was alive.
They placed a mask over her mouth
"She can be moved now."
"I'm coming!"
They didn't argue.
He stroked her head and held her hand
"Everything will be ok"
"I...really love baby" she managed to whisper as she began to come round.

A few hours later a doctor pulled Joe out of the waiting room
"She been put in a medically induced coma."
"It's the best way to keep her stable"
"Will she wake up?"
"If she survives then she can be woken up easily but the pain she will be feeling is so severe that we couldn't keep her awake."
"IF?!" He sobbed
"What are the chances?"
"We're looking ar around 20-35%"
"She is in a very late stage. After last year she was left with a lot of permanent damage which weakened her heart, immune system and lungs. It looks like she got a chest infection a couple weeks ago which developed into severe pneumonia."
"Please let me see her!"

"I promised you I'd never let you back in this position! And now your dying again! Please please forgive me Taylor! Don't die. please!"
He held her hand in his, the spot beeping of her heartbeat on the monitor.

A week later.
"She's definitely not ready to be breathing alone but it's safe for her to wake up"
"Thank god!"
"Does this mean she'll be ok?"
"I'm afraid she is still looking at 40-50% chance of survival."
"Does she know that?"

"Baby! I love you please hold on"
"I.... will" she whispered
"But if I die I want to leave everything to you."
"You won't!"
"Don't think like that, anything could happen and honestly I'm in so much pain truthfully I know I'm dying."
"No no baby your not!"
She gave his hand a weak squeeze and a doctor walked in.
"You haven't been making as quick of a recovery as we would like and the longer your ill the more damage with be done but-"
"What are the chances that I die?"
"Uh Miss we don't-"
"What are they?!"
"50- 70%"
"That she lives?" Joe asked optimistically as he walked in
"No baby that Ill die" she coughed up more blood
"But she woke up! Isn't she getting better"
"She is stable for now but she's still very ill and could decline at any point"
She smiled at him reassuringly
The smile dropped off her face and she let out the tears she had been holding back for days, obviously she wasn't alright like she had pretend to be for joe. She was terrified

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