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Okay I'm going to do something really really strange here and give you guys two options for an ending. Neither one is the real ending so if you want a very bitter sweet sad ending read this one but if you want a happy ending then wait for me to post the next option which should come out soon😊.

8 years later:
Taylor's name had gained a Dianna like air to it. Everyone knew her tragic story and joe would still get sympathetic looks in public. Hi missed her more than he could ever say.
After her death it only took a few days for the media to find out and it was on every front page for months.

Alison's POV:
Sometimes I hear daddy crying in his room, I don't think I'm meant to eavesdrop but I look through the door and he's holding a photo or reading this book. Or sometimes when these old songs play on the radio he goes very quiet. I know that my mummy is in heaven with the angels and I think that is what makes him sad.
Today was one of those days, I decided I would ask him what was wrong this time because he does that when I'm sad. I pushed the door open and got on his bed. He was holding a photo of him and a pretty girl.
"I'm really sorry sweetie, I shouldn't cry when your home."
"It's ok daddy. Why are you sad?"
"I didn't want to tell you about your mummy when you were too young but I guess now you will understand better. Sit down and I'll tell you."
She sat beside him eagerly.
"So your mummy was a very beautiful and talented person. She was a singer like auntie Selena and she had loads of fans."
"I want to be a singer like mummy!"
He smiled and nodded.
"And I met her when we she was 26, at the time her boyfriend was mean and he made her really sad."
"I don't like him then. Did he push mummy?"
"Uhh yeah he pushed her a lot and it made her hurt. And he did something really mean one day so she ran away from him and stayed with daddy."
"But there were a lot of times when I thought I would loose her, she was really unlucky and kept getting hurt or...... just... hurt because bad people didn't want her to be happy. Unfortunately it made mummy really sad and she stopped looking after herself."
"Like not looking when you cross the road?"
"Exactly, she didn't eat a lot and was very very sad. One day she took some bad medicine and was very sick again. When we went to the hospital we got the most amazing surprise?"
"A present?"
"You. It was a bit dangerous for mummy though, when you were born she had some complications and didn't make it."
"She died?"
"Yeah, she loved you more than anything else in the whole world and she was devastated that she wouldn't see you grow up."
His eyes glazed over.
"She died because of me?"
"No no honey, she died because the mean people and the reporters made her hurt herself so she was already sick"
"Oh ok can you show me a video of her singing?"
"Sure baby"
He typed up one of his favourite performances which was the Grammy performance of all too well.
"Yeah she's really famous!!"
"That's your mummy"
"Your right then. She's the most beautiful person in the world."
He smiled sadly and watched the video.

The next day at school was coincidentally a show and tell say we're everyone had to bring photos of their family.
She chose some photos of her and her dad playing in the garden and a Polaroid of joe kissing Taylor on the cheek.
She was sitting at her table ready for people to come round, a small brunette approached her.
"That's not your mummy! That's Taylor swift!! Don't you have a mummy?" She looked confused and almost pitiful.
"She is my mummy" she replied self consciously.
"She's dead." Alison looked at her hands and didn't reply.
"MIIIISS ALISON BROUGHT A FAKE PHOTO" the girl called over their teacher.
When she saw the photo she frowned disapprovingly.
"Alison, you shouldn't use other people's photos. This woman isn't alive for her daughter and you shouldn't use her photo when your mummy is."
Alison looked like she might burst into tears.
"It's ok sweetie but don't lie again-"
"No. That's my mummy, my daddy said she is in heaven but she loves me and wishes she could see me grow up. He said that the mean people who made her hurt herself are why she isn't alive and that's why I don't like the men with cameras"
She was stunned and the young girls confession.
"Oh honey, your mummy was actually Taylor swift? I'm so sorry I..... i had no idea. A lot of people really cared about her you know, I'm sure she really really loved you."
Alison nodded her head and walked away feeling sad.
After that there were a few other girls who gave some mixed reactions the her photos.
"That's so cool! I bet your really really rich and you have lots of cars!!"
"So your mummy is dead because of you?"
"My mummy said she was stupid for hurting herself and that she was disgusting because bribed people and had loads of boyfriends."
"She's really really pretty!"
"But your parents weren't married then? That's bad! My mummy says that makes you go to hell"
The last one pushed her over the edge.
"What?! My daddy said she's in heaven not hell!!"
"No, if you have a baby when your not married it's a sin and she belongs with the devil"
She ran away crying.

When joe came to pick her up she was looking extremely dejected.
"Honey what's wrong?"
"The girls were mean about mummy!"
A pit formed at the bottom of his stomach.
"Oh, uh honey what did they say about mummy?"
"They said she is in hell and she's disgusting and she died because of me and she was stupid."
"None of this is true Ali I promise!"
"Okay I believe you but I still wish mummy was here"
"Me too"
"Can we watch one of the singing videos?"
"Sure baby"
He pulled out his phone and started to play the Amazon prime day concert.
"You see how she's looking and pointing at someone in the crowd?"
"I was standing there watching. She was so beautiful and smiling at me in the crowd. I'm so so proud of who your mummy was and what she did."

"Mummy was pretty"
"You look just like her baby"
"Can I learn to play guitar?"
"Sure baby"
"When did you meet mummy"
"At the met gala which is a party"
"What did you do?"
He smiled as the bitter sweet memories fillled his mind
"I bought her an old fashioned"
She stood in front of the slightly foggy bathroom mirror and looked at the reflection in front of her. There were circles under eyes from lack of sleep and bruises on her wrist, the memory of last week which she has been pushing back for what felt like forever came flooding back up and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Now he stood in-front of that same mirror with his beautiful baby girl sitting on the counter smiling up at him. He would never fully move on from her because they were soulmates but over time he gained the ability to make new memories and he knew one day they would be together again where he could wipe the tears from hers cheeks.

I'm really sad that this story is over. That you so much for the support.
I'm planning on starting another one which will follow Taylor and joe in a much more realistic timeline of their story over the last few years.
Please leave some comments on what you've thought of the story and feel free to re-read because I've added quite a few extra chapters that I didn't publish originally. 💜💜💜

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