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~Time Skip to End of First Trimester~

The gang is currently sitting in Ricky's living room so him and Nini can explain the news.

The first trimester was a little rough for Nini but nothing that doesn't happen in most pregnancies. Morning sickness, foods making her nauseous, etc. Ricky was there for it all and she couldn't be more thankful for him to be her baby's father.

"So what is this meeting for?" Carlos asks.

"Nini and I have some very important news that we need you guys to relax and listen..."

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!" Seb interrupts.

"What? No- well not yet at least." Ricky says shaking his head. "Anyway, Nini babe do you want to tell them or do you want me to?" Nini turns to her friends.

"I'm pregnant." The group falls completely silent. E.J. is the first to speak.

"Seriously Bowen you couldn't control yourself for two seconds and not knock up your girlfriend!"

"Whoa, hold up! It takes two people to do the things we did." Nini smacks him in the arm and glares. "Sorry." He whispers.

"Dude TMI." Big Red cringes.  Everyone laughs. Carlos chimes back in.

"Okay so tell me. Is Uncle Carlos gonna have a baby niece or nephew?"

"We don't know yet. We go to the doctor in four weeks for the appointment and the gender reveal party is that Saturday. Which was planned by Kourtney." Nini explains.

"Well we are super happy for you guys." Ashlyn says.

"Thank you." The couple says in unison.

So sorry for this story being so long between updates and having such short chapters. This one is not going the way I thought it would, but I am not gonna give up on it yet I have so many plans for where I want it to go so just bear with me.

Love you all and I will try to update more often.

Kisses ~Heidi

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