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Ricky and Nini walk through the doors of the school with little Taylor wrapped up in Nini's arms. They are both were off of school for the remainder of the year for their maternity leave. They will be doing school from home so they are still able to graduate. The principal gave them permission to bring the baby to school for one lunch period to meet their friends.

They walk over to the table that all of their friends are sat at. 

"Oh my gosh guys shut up!" Gina exclaims. "Look whose coming with their new baby girl."

"AHHHH!" Kourtney screams as she jumps out of her seat to meet the baby. "Oh my god Neeners. She's gorgeous." 

"Thank you Kourt." She says as she hands her daughter over to her best friend. 

"Wow she looks just like Ricky." 

"I know right. It's not fair."

"I still don't see it I think she looks like Nini." Ricky replies.

"No she definitely looks like you." Just then they are interrupted by some of Ricky's football teammates.

"Well look who it is." Ricky's eyes roll to the back of his head in annoyance.

"What do you want Asher?" 

"Your girlfriend." Ricky curls his hands into a fist.

"EXCUSE ME!" Nini exclaims.

"Oh come on Sal-Robs. You let Bowen knock you up. All I want is one night of fun."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Ricky screams and his fist makes instant contact with Asher's face and he tackles him to the ground. He throws punch after punch until Asher throws one back but Ricky doesn't budge.

"Ricky get off." Big Red says as he tries to pull Ricky away from Asher. Kourtney lightly bounces the baby in her arms to calm her down. 

"Ricky, babe stop!" Nini screams trying to grab his flailing arms. Asher's face is covered in blood and Ricky has bruises on his knuckles.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE." Mr Mazzara yells as he walks into the cafeteria. He sees Ricky beating the shit out of his teammate. He grabs Ricky and pulls him off and pushes him away towards Nini. He has a little bit of blood running out of his nose but not nearly as much as Asher.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Asher yells as Mr. Mazzara holds him back away from Ricky and Nini stands in Ricky's way.


"Hey, hey calm down. Baby look at me. Ricky look at me." Nini says trying to get his attention. HE slowly pulls his eyes away to look at his girlfriend. "I'm okay. The baby is okay. We are okay. You need to calm down, just breath." She rests her hands on his chest and his slowly uncurl from fists. He nods his head and takes a deep breath. Nini goes over to grab the baby from Kourtney. "We are gonna go. I need to feed her, get her ready for her nap, and get him cleaned up. Why don't you guys come over to me and Ricky's new apartment Saturday for a little house warming party and see the baby." The all agree and Nini says goodbye to the group and heads back over towards Ricky to see him talking to Mr. Mazzara.

"Look all I was doing was protecting my family. He basically called Nini a slut and I lost it."

"I never once said the word slut."

"It was implied." Ricky said getting riled up again. 

"Alright that's enough. Mr. Bowen since you technically are not in school I can not do anything with you so you are free to go; however Mr. Angel you are coming with me to the principal's office to discuss your sexual harassment." (I know this is a little dramatic and not actually how this would work but just go with me)

"Yo Angel!" Asher turns his head to Ricky with a glare. "You mess with my girl again and there will be way more where that came from so choose wisely."

Back at the apartment

The small family walks through the door into their quiet apartment. Nini walks into the living room and sets the baby's car seat on the couch. She turns to Ricky and crosses her arms.

"I know I'm sorry. I seriously fucked up." He says with his head down.

"Oh I'm not mad." His eyes go wide and his head shoots up to meet her gaze.

"Wait really?"

"No of course not." She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck and his hands land on her waist. She get's up onto her tiptoes and connects their lips for a short kiss. "Thank you. You truly are my Prince Charming."

"You don't have to thank me baby. You know I would do anything for you."

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too mamma." He gives her one more small peck on the lips.

"I'm gonna feed her and put her down for her nap, then I will help you clean up your nose. Then I will start on dinner."

"I don't deserve you."

I hope you liked this. I know it's not very realistic but I think it turned out pretty good. It also ended up being longer than I intended for it to be.

Kisses -Heidi

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