Chapter 8

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Luka's POV
I'm standing at the railing on top of the Eiffel Tower when some bitch comes up to me. "Oh look, it's the goth boy." She snickers. I don't feel like dealing with this right now. "Fuck off." I say without turning around. "Let's go." A voice says. My head snaps up as I recognize it. I glance back and see Mari with a red haired girl. Her eyes lock with mine and for a second I forget everything. But I snap out of it as she leads the other girl away. I watch the retreating figure with sadness.

I'm not sure how long I stand there staring at the place Mari had been. A tap on my shoulder brings me back to reality. I look over at Alya and Nino. I can tell they're worried as they lead me back to my apartment. I don't even notice the walk home. It's like one second I'm leaving the Eiffel Tower, the next I'm sitting on my couch. I look around and spot Nino asleep in a chair. Not far away Alya is making some food. I realize the smell is what snapped me out of my daze.

Marinette's POV
Luka's changed since I broke up with him. I can tell he probably hasn't left his apartment much lately. And he seems so sad. Is it because of me? Did he actually care about me that much? No he didn't, otherwise he wouldn't have cheated. Or maybe it was a misunderstanding. What if he didn't cheat? Could Lilith have seen it wrong? Maybe she lied so she could get with me. What am I saying? She would never do that. Would she? Although now that I think about it some of my memories before meeting her are hazy.

I wake up and smell breakfast like usual. But I'm not hungry today. Actually I feel like staying in bed all day. I keep my eyes closed as I hear Lilith open the door. Maybe if I pretend to be asleep she'll go away. But that doesn't happen. She walks over and places her hand on my shoulder. "Wake up sleepyhead." She says gently. I open my eyes and frown. She notices my expression and also frowns. "Are you ok Mari?" She asks with concern. Instead of replying I pull my covers higher and try to fall back asleep.

I don't know how long it was before Lilith finally left. But when she did I let out a sigh. For some reason I don't feel comfortable around her anymore. I must be going crazy or something. I want to talk to someone but I don't know who. If it's not Lilith then who would I talk to. Alya! She'll help me figure things out. How long has it been since I last talked to her? And why did we stop talking? Hopefully we didn't have a fight or anything. I have to find a way to sneak out and see her.

Alya's POV
After a few minutes I persuade Luka to eat. I can tell he hasn't eaten much lately. This situation with Marinette has torn him apart. He used to be so full of life. But now he's basically a hollow shell. I'm worried about him. Hopefully he won't do anything stupid. Meanwhile, I have to figure out what happened to Marinette. I know that red haired girl has done something to her. But I don't know how to save her. I have to try, before it's too late for Luka. He gets worse everyday. I know he wants to kill himself.

I wake up from my nap and look around. I let out a sigh when I see Luka asleep on the couch. Right then my phone starts to ring. I check the contact and am surprised to see Marinette calling. I quickly answer it. "What do you want?" I ask harshly. I know I shouldn't be mean but I can't help it as I look at how depressed Luka is. "I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?" She says, her voice shaking as if she's afraid. "I'm at your old apartment right now. If you want to talk then come here."

Ten minutes after I hang up I hear a soft knock on the door. I open it to reveal Marinette standing there nervously. "Alya, I need you to tell me what's happening to me." She says quickly. She looks so scared and I feel kinda bad for how mean I was earlier. I step aside and let her enter. Her gaze immediately goes to Luka. I lead her to a different room and close the door. "Tell me what's going on." I say, taking a seat. She quickly explains everything to me.

Marinette's POV
I just finished explaining everything to Alya. "Let me get this straight. You don't remember the few weeks before you got with Lilith?" She asks, her eyebrow raised. I nod my head in reply. "And why did you break up with Luka?" She asks with a frown. "Because of what Lilith told me." I say quietly. "Well whatever that lying bitch told you isn't true!" She exclaims angrily. "Now tell me, what did she say that would convince you to do that?" Alya asks, a little calmer. "She said he cheated on me. That she saw him making out with another girl."

Alya's eye are practically burning with rage. "She said what?!" She exclaims angrily. "That boy is so in love with you that when you broke his heart he locked himself in here for weeks! And when he finally left he was ridiculed by that lying whore that you call your girlfriend! He hasn't eaten a proper meal until today! And I can tell that everyday he wants to finally end it!" Her voice booms. Did she say he wants to end it? As in kill himself? The door slams open and a very worried Nino stands there, Luka behind him.

Luka's POV
I wake up because Alya is yelling. Nino and I quickly run to the room she's in and open the door. Alya is standing there and she looks pissed. Beside her is Mari. I look at her before turning away and walking to my room. Locking the door I sit down and hold back tears. Why is she here? What could she possibly want? It doesn't matter. She's not here because she wants to apologize. The second she saw me she looked like she wanted to cry. Does she hate me that much? What did I do wrong?

I can hear Alya as she storms out of the apartment. I wonder what she's so upset about. It's not like I'm going to find out. Hopefully Alya and Nino can forgive me. I've caused them so much trouble lately, but they stayed with me. I look down at my shaking hands. Why is it that every time I find someone that makes me happy I end up getting hurt? Am I cursed? Does the world want me to suffer? These are the questions in my head as I pull the cold blade across my skin and watch my life spill out.

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