Chapter 4

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Seoul, Feb 10th

Today is D-day for conjoined twin's surgery. Seonghwa is already at the hospital since 7.00 am. Yes, it's so early because she wants to check the preparation and the twins before going to the OR. This is her first conjoined twins surgery as a lead surgeon, this is gonna be her lifetime achievement or otherwise her lifetime failure in her career.

She wants to calm her mind by spoiled herself with brewing coffee. She just need a coffee and maybe some support. While she just start to drinks her coffee someone has knock her room.
"Good morning, how are you?" Seokhyung just enter the room with five scone bread in his hand.
"Nervous. Totally"
"Here, breakfast first. You're surgery just start at 10.00 am right ?"
"Gomaweo". Mmm yes." again Songhwa has a long sigh.

When Seokhyung sit on the couch. Junwan just enter the room "how's your feeling?" while he walks to Seonghwa , he tooks one scone bread on her desk.
"Nervous. I think i need to make a sign in front of the door that said i'm nervous today"
"Hahahaha. Good idea. You don't need to worry much, the twins are healthy and they have each organ in good condition. Also we've already practiced for the last 3 days" Junwan will also joins the surgery and confident about the surgery today.
"So you and prof Min will start the spinal separation first?"
"Mmmm yes, And Prof Jung from Orthopedic"
"You'll got this Seonghwa-ya"
"Thanks" yes actually Songhwa feels a bit relief after getting emotional support from this guys.
And just a moment, Ikjun and Jeongwon enter the room. They didn't say anything, Ikjun right away goes to her coffee table and pour some coffee for himself and Jeongwon. While Jeongwon walks to Songhwa's desk and take a scone bread "Songhwa-ya, don't be nervous. I'm nervous seeing you nervous. We'll be fine, don't we?" Songhwa gives smile to Jeongwon.
The twins are healthy, both of of them have a good organs and they need to do spinal separation. But the separation itself is too tricky and can let to complication. Songhwa and the team already study this. The entire surgery will take at least 18 hours, it's gonna be a long surgery. They have all been practicing their steps for the last three days, everywhere, so she's confident they're ready. They know what to do, so now they just have to do it.

Ikjun didn't say much, he just drinks his coffee and look at her and smile "you can do this, we'll be there". Songhwa nodded and she feels much better.

When they're having breakfast, Yuna just knocked and enter Songhwa's room. She didn't surprise to see those four guys in Songhwa's room. She knows their bonding is strong for each other. They're like a second family to each other.

As she walks towards Songhwa, she puts a little box on her desk.
"What is this ?"
"It's chocolate"
"Okay, i mean for what purpose you give me a chocolate?"
"thank you, for taking this surgery Songhwa-ya. I've already observe the twins for 2 years, but when the time is up, i couldn't do the surgery"
"I still don't know why you refuse to do this, i mean it's a very good opportunity for us neurosurgeon to have this, right?"
"I know. I'll tell you someday. But for now, I have faith in you"
Songhwa cannot help but smile after hearing those words from Yuna.

Yuna didn't join for the surgery as well but she will join in the OR. As she turns around to the boys "don't you guys have a patients or something?"
"Why you're still in Seoul anyway ?" Junwan replied.
"I came with the twins, so i'll go when the twins are ready to go" Yuna and Junwan is really like Tom and Jerry. They never stop throw a sarcasm or being cynical towards each other.
"Can you two stop?" Jeongwon intervenes their banter, while Seokhyung stand up as he is ready to leave "Songhwa-ya, good luck. I'll come after the surgery later"
"Gomaweo. Don't worry. I'll be fine".
Ikjun also needs to leave as he needs to see his outpatients first before join the surgery, when he walks to the door he turns around  "I'll see you in the OR". Songhwa smiled and nodded while also Jeongwon and Junwan leave too and assure her that they will see her later in the OR.

Leaving Yuna behind only with Songhwa "did something happen between you too?"
Songhwa startled with Yuna's question.
"What? Who?"
"You and Ikjun"
"Why you're asking me that?
"Well it's just about the time, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean he's back to being single now, and you're also... right?
"I don't know what are you talking about"
"It's been 20 years Songhwa-ya. Give him a chance"
Songhwa is shocked, her eyes are wided, how Yuna can mention about this. Songhwa just start to put some pieces together, since Ikjun came to Sokcho, even now she's still not sure. And now Yuna mention about her giving a chance to Ikjun because it's been 20 years ?
"Did Ikjun said something to you?" Songhwa became curious about how Yuna could says something like she had known it for a long time.
"No, he didn't need to. And you don't need to"
"I know i'm being a bad friend to you when we were in college Songhwa-ya. But those time when i said to you that i want to date Ikjun, i didn't lied. But we're not really dating-dating. I dated him because i'm just tired to rejects some guys and hate that they followed me around. And Ikjun, well, he's heartbroken. He dated me because he's just trying to move on"

Songhwa lost her words. This is too much for her. Actually she realizes something odd when Ikjun said that about he's being chicken out again. But she didn't know that much. And Ikjun was heartbroken ?

"Songhwa-ya..." Yuna called her as Songhwa seems lost with all of this information.
Songhwa doesn't want to think about this. She needs to focus on today's surgery.
"Yuna-ya, i don't want to talk about this. Especially now"
"Alright. I'm sorry Songhwa-ya" Yuna realize that Songhwa is uncomfortable with what she said before.
"No, It's okay. I just need to focus on twins's surgery"
"I know. I should mind my own business. I should just being grateful because you want to do this surgery" as Yuna feels bad after said something that make Songhwa feels confuse and awkward.
"It's okay."
Songhwa smiled and continue to drinks her coffee. Deep down, she knew she lied if whatever Yuna just said didn't effect her. It did. But she needs to focus now, her career is on the line. This surgery must be succeed.

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