Chapter 6

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"One cold cup of ice americano"
"Ice americano is already cold"
Seokhyung looks to his left as he find Yuna there. "You're still here ?"
"Yaaa, why everyone asking me that ? Am i not allowed to be here ?"
"I thought you work at Army Hospital ? Don't you have patients ?
"I'm on leave for two weeks. Seokhyung-ah pay this chocolate milk for me. Thank you" as Yuna easily takes one chocolate milk, she walk away from Seokhyung while he just about to pay his drink.

As Yuna walks to E.R, she meets Bong Gwang Hyun at the entrance. They have a little chat until she looks at the scene that surprise her. She saw Jeongwon gives a cup of coffee to a female doctor, from what she saw she's a resident from GS department. She can't remember her name, so she asks Gwanghyun. "She's Jang Gyeoul, she's the only resident for GS".
"Aaahh, that's why i saw her so often lately. She joins the twins surgery also. But i don't remember her name"
She knew Jeongwon is a gentleman, very nice to people, but giving a cup of coffee to female resident? She didn't see that coming.

Yuna enjoys being in Yulje, she feels good seeing her friends from college again. That makes her feels so young as she thinks she's back to 20 years ago when they're just a medical student.

After checking on twins, she walks to GS department to see Ikjun. She's curious about him and Songhwa, as if anything happened between them. While she walks she saw him on the nurse station, she runs a little bit before calling him.
"You're still here ?"
"Can you people stop asking me that ?"
"How's the twin ?"
"They're getting better. Ikjun-ah, are you busy ?"
"We're always busy here" Ikjun still busy going through his patient's chart.
"Is something happened between you and Songhwa ?"
Finally she gets Ikjun attention when he looks at her. He's a bit surprised "where is this coming from ?"
"Nowhere. I just wondering since now you and her being single at the same time"
Ikjun walks away from her as he's not in the mood talking about this. Well, Yuna didn't give up easily as she follows Ikjun.
"You have told her, don't you"
"Told her what ?"
"Do you really want me to spill it out ?"
Ikjun finally stop, and he turns to her "i'm not in the mood for this"
"Aaahh, she hasn't give you an answer"
Ikjun's eyes suddenly getting wide as shocked. He's wondering how she knows all of this.
"Yaaa, what do you know ?"
"I don't know anything, you just told me with your reaction. You didn't say no or dodge when i mention all of that stuff."

There's a time when they're in college when Songhwa started dating a senior guy, that's when he's totally heartbroken. He was heartbroken first when he couldn't express his feelings to her on her birthday because he chose friendship over love. He believes that he can still pour his feelings towards her in term of friendship.

Somehow he felt and believe that Songhwa might has special feelings towards him too.
He remembers not long after her birthday, she asked him what was his plan on her birthday and asked him if they should reschedule maybe after exam. She said it's okay if they could go somewhere on later Ikjun's birthday. She said she also has something to tell him. Songhwa mention all of that in a lovely cute way, she looks so shy but happy and excited like she knew something good will come.

He was afraid if Songhwa has the same feelings towards him, he couldn't reject her, but he knew his friend Seokhyung still heartbroken over Songhwa.
He didn't know what to do. He doesn't want to lose any of them. Both of them are his first friend when he comes to Seoul. He cherished them so much.
And that's when Yuna came.

Ikjun and Yuna mostly meet in the cafeteria after class. Since both of them are inssa, some seniors are so often ask them to join their party or any campus activity. They're not only popular among medical students. They're also popular in the entire campus. While Songhwa is a nerd cute girl, Yuna is more like a mature pretty girl. Yuna is the kind of girl that being envy by most female students and attractive among male students. She's not just attractive, she's also smart as she got a second place after Ikjun on their first semester exam. That's why Junwan was annoyed to her. She's the female version of Ikjun.

Yuna knew that Ikjun and Junwan are making a band together. Because when she's still on campus band, Ikjun and Junwan excuse themselves and decided not to continue after just two session practice. But when she founds out that Songhwa joins them, she asked Ikjun right away what's position Songhwa in their band. And he told her that he teaches her to play bass. She's surprised, because she thought Ikjun and Junwan didn't want to continue with campus band, because the rest of the guys didn't play good. And now he's okay with Songhwa who cannot play any music instruments or sing to join his band.

She was more convinced that there's something going on between Ikjun and Songhwa when one day she caughts Ikjun smiling over his phone. And he also asked her what kind of gift a girl wants for birthday. She asked him if he wants to confess his feeling to that girl. And he said yes. She suggests him to give that girl a ring.
"Don't you think it's too much ?"
"Don't you think she also like you ?"
"I'm not sure, but i can feel it Yuna-ya"
"It's Songhwa, isn't she ?"
Ikjun nodded and smile.
"Well, she likes you too"
"How can you say that ?"
"Because i also knew how a girl acts towards someone she likes"
"How is she acts ?"
"Well she's stupidly join the band. I bet she just wants to get closer to someone she likes then"
Ikjun cannot hide his smile after hearing that.
"Well Lee Ikjun, you're too smart to not noticed that girl might have feelings for you too"
Ikjun just smile. If his instincts is true, if his feelings is right, a ring for her birthday present won't feel too much either.

That's all his perfect plan. Just after Songhwa's birthday, Yuna can't help her curiosity to ask him how's that plan goes. But when she looks at him, she knew it didn't go well. She thought Songhwa's reject him. But he didn't want to talk about that, meaning he didn't even have a chance to confessed. Later on Ikjun said that their timing is not good. That they're better as a friend.

And three days later Ikjun finally told Yuna what happened because Songhwa told him that she has something to tell to him too, she gave him an idea if they should later celebrate his birthday together.
That was the time when Ikjun was afraid if his instincts before is right. That he hopes it's wrong, even he hate the thought about it.
And that's when Yuna gave him an idea.
"Let's just told everyone that we're dating"
Ikjun looks at her surprised.
"I also tired saying No to sunbae and those guys who don't stop teased and follow me around"
Ikjun didn't know how to respond.
"Hey, If she's good, then you can go celebrate birthday together. If she didn't took it well, .... just make sure that she won't leave the band"

Just two weeks pass after Songhwa's birthday, Ikjun told the gang that he start dating Lee Yuna. The boys just congratulate him and teased him asked how he could get Lee Yuna as his first girlfriend in campus. When they're teased him, he realized that Songhwa is being silent and when Ikjun looks at her, she smile and excuse herself because she needs to go to library to return some books.

A week pass by, Ikjun never has a chance to see Songhwa after class. She seems busy and gone. When he asked the gang why Songhwa didn't show up at band practice, Junwan said that she takes extra class and study at library. Ikjun felt bad. He didn't want their relationship to end up like this.
Just right at the time, someone snapped a fingers in front of him. As he looks up Songhwa is standing in front of him, smiling to him "what are you thinking Ikjun-ah ? Are you ok ?"
Ikjun cannot hide his feelings. He's so glad that Songhwa finally appears for band practice after a week he didn't saw her "you're here. I'm okay now".
Songhwa seems a bit flustered hearing those words but she manages to keep her foots on the ground.
"let's practice, teacher-Lee"

Ikjun promises himself, even if they're not together, doesn't mean he cannot pour his love and caring towards her. Beginning that day, he will take care and cherished this friendship forever.

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