Chapter 8

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"Songhwa-ya, what time we leave ?" Jeongwon follow Songhwa came out of the PICU. Songhwa decided to stay in Seoul at least until tomorrow. The twins look good and getting better. But Songhwa also has insecurity towards this case. She just hopes there's nothing missing or any complication.

"7.00 pm ? What should we have for dinner tonight ?" Songhwa walks while look at her phone, a nurse from Sokcho brand just called her that she just have one patient tomorrow, and the nurse already asked that patient if okay to reschedule as the patient came for regular check up and the resident there already took over that there's nothing serious. So she told Songhwa she can go back to Sokcho tomorrow and not need to be in a rush.

"Hmmm, what should we have for tonight ?"
"Jeongwon-ah, what about Seolleongtang ?" Jeongwon looks at Songhwa and gives her a thumbs up. "Agree, i'll make a reservation now". Songhwa chuckles as they walk through the hall.


Songhwa cannot stop looking at Ikjun. He didn't stop smiling during his driving from hospital to the restaurant. He also didn't stop humming Aloha since the song start playing on the radio.
"What is it ?"
Ikjun just muttered in response to Songhwa's question.
"What is it that make you so happy like this ?"
"Nothing. Just finally we're gonna have Seolleongtang for dinner. It's a perfect dinner for this weather"
Songhwa look up at the front that light snow has been pouring in Seoul since 4.00 pm. It's been awhile for her enjoying Seoul in this kind of weather. Raining in the morning and now there's snow. She looks to the man on her left driving while humming their favorite song, it feels surreal for her.


"Seokhyung-ah, do you still in contact with Shinhye ?" Jeongwon asked him while setting the table, Songhwa is busy to pour the water for the guys, Ikjun was on the call with Jang Gyeoul to update his patient's condition and Junwan already busy eating the appetizer.

"I met her two weeks ago, i don't really have time."
"Are you planning to go back together with her ?" Junwan now join the conversation.
"It's not like that. She asked about my mother if it's ok to see her, i thought it's okay right ?"
Now four of them pay attention to Seokhyung.
"Well, you mother will thinks there's something going on between you two" Ikjun replied.
"Do you want to go back together with her?" Junwan asked him the same question.
"Noo.. i'm just saying we're still good even after divorce. We're only maintain relationship as a friend now"
"Friend ? You sure ?" Junwan asked him again
"I'm sure"
"Enough guys. If Seokhyung said they're being a good friend, let him be."
"Seokhyung-ah, Why you didn't start seeing someone new ?" Jeongwon now asked him like giving an idea.
"Where is this coming from ?" Junwan asked Jeongwon back
"Nothing, i think it's been three years since you got divorce. Maybe it's time"
"Heol, you just start dating and you ready to give someone suggestion to go dating too hah ?" Junwan replied him in cynical way.
Jeongwon frowned as hearing Junwan's answered while the others just laugh at them.
"So you, and Jang Gyeoul. Since when ?" Seokhyung now is the one who curious. He knows his childhood friends is popular too among girls during school. But he never dating or even acts like he's falling in love. Jeongwon is happy when he could do something good for people. And now he is more happy when he also received something good, which is Jang Gyeoul's attention and caring to him.

"I don't know, Christmas?"
"Heol, so it's been two months. That why you never at home during weekend" Junwan still cynic to him. Junwan can't stop wondering how Jeongwon can keep this from him when they live together ?

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