ch 3

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after hours of hermiones tour that she insisted upon, they finally made it back to gryffindor common room. isabel fell into the couch with a huff.

"you can't be tired already! we have a game to get to." hermione cheered, plopping down on the couch next to her.

"right now?" isabel looked exhausted.

"I guess we can wait a little bit longer." hermione smiled at her

"i hope ron gets hit in the face as goal keeper." hermiones kind body language turned cold.

"why's that?" isabel questioned turning her head towards the girl.

"he's a foal loathsome cockroach." hermione huffed crossing her arms.

"you have a way with words, hermione." isabel looked at her questionably.

"why can't he speak up about feelings, it's not that
difficult." hermione huffed.

"ah, i see, teenage love." isabel giggled softly

"oh shut up!" hermione pushed her down on the couch, standing up and eventually joining in on the laughter.

"i'm going to sit here for a bit, i can meet you in the stands." isabel offered politely.

"okay, sure, see you then." hermione hustled out of the room.

isabel sat there, reminiscing in the quiet and trying to gather her thoughts. how do you tell someone you've seen them die? maybe you don't. her mind battled whether to tell the kind boy or keep it to herself.

after minutes passed, she found herself on her feet and headed down the hall toward the game, she hummed quietly to herself while admiring the pictures on the walls.

soon her body was abruptly met with the floor, after crashing into a tall figure with yellow clothes lacing his body.

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry." she looked up at the older boy, quickly rushing to her feet.

the boys behind him held broomsticks and soon became a laughing stalk of the girl who had just fallen.

"are you alright?" the boy who she had collided with, looked at her gently.

"fine, thanks, sorry again." her words rushed out as she was eager to get out of the awkward situation.

"isabel is it?" the boy offered his hand to greet her.

"yes." she reached for his hand shyly before letting go shortly after.

"i'm cedric, hufflepuffs captain, are you coming to the game?" his smile was small, his teammates behind him growing annoyed.

"yes, i just, don't really know how to get there." she tugged on her bottom lip knowing she was embarrassing herself more.

"no worries, come along." cedric smiled politely, nudging his head to have her follow him.

the two talked in sync with whispering teammates behind them.

"ignore them, they're ignorant and know we are not going to beat gryffindor." cedric shrugged his shoulders, grasping his broom tighter in his right hand.

"why do you automatically assume you'll lose?" isabel looked at him from the side, his dark hair complimenting his complexion.

"you'll see." he let out a small laugh.

her eyes were met with a huge stadium and field.

"uh- goodluck?" it came out more of a question as she had no idea what else to say before they parted.

"much needed." he smiled gently at her before boarding his broomstick and flying onto the field.

isabels eyes widened in complete surpise as she had never seen anything as extraordinary.

"there you are, let's go let's go!" Hermione linked her arm, tugging her to their selected seats.

"did you find it here alright?" hermione turned her head to isabel, tucking her hands in her gloves.

"with some help." isabel smiled at her lap before lifting her head as the whistle was blown and the game began.

"harry potter has caught the golden snitch! one hundred and fifty points, gryffindor wins!" half of the crowd rose to their feet screaming chants and applauding loudly.

"let's go and congratulate the boys." hermione led the way down the path where there was already a large group of students high-fiving and hugging the players.

"harry! you've done it again." hermione ruffled his hair playfully, "you too ron." she sent an irritated smile his way.

"good job guys." isabel chimed in, smiling at both of them.

"did you enjoy the game?" harry asked with a tired smile on his face, a few bruises and a bit of dirt now covering his body.

"it was, different." isabel chuckled softly, the rest of them joining in.

isabel's eyes followed the hufflepuff team as they walked out with defeat in their eyes.

"i feel bad they never win." hermione crossed her arms, watching them walk away.

"i'll be right back." isabel spoke quickly before jogging to catch up with the players.

harry, ron, and hermione watched her curiously.

"cedric!" isabel spoke out of breath after catching up to the saddened players.

"oh hey, enjoy the game?" his smile was dull.

"yeah, you guys did good." she offered a polite smile.

"thanks sunshine but no need to lie." a genuine laugh rolled off his lips.

"no no, no petty niceness, genuinely." she glanced back at hermione giving her funny looks before darting her eyes to the ground.

"well i appreciate it," he looked back at her friends before looking back to her with a smile.

"so i'll see you around." her confident body language had now gone to wreck.

"actually, what are you doing later, after hours?" cedric spoke in a hushed tone.

"like after curfew?" isabel titled her head, not really being one to break rules.

"yes, after curfew." he shook his head giving her a playful eye roll

"what do you have in mind?" she looked around nervously before treading her eyes back to him.

"meet me in the great hall, i gotta go, post team meeting." he gave a small wave as he jogged away from her.

isabel couldn't help but smile as he left her standing there.

"what was that?" harry spoke curiously, ron and hermione wondering the same.

"nothing!" isabel smiled at them, tucking her hands under her arms.

ron hummed in disagreeing manner before all four of them found there way back inside.

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