Chapter 38 | aftermath

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Waking up groggily, you lifted your head to see L knocked out cold deep in sleep next to you. One arm hanging off the bed, half the blanket tangled around his leg, his back between his shoulder blades red like he'd been hit multiple times. Poor thing probably did sleep well because of the pain of wing growth.

In a few days is when you'd start to see scabbing and feather growth where his wings came in. You leaned down to his back to listen for his heartbeat. And sure enough, instead of beats of two, it was beats of three. The ritual worked, he was officially a newly formed deity. You wouldn't be able to tell what kind until his wings came in. The shape of a deities wings determines what they rule over.

You decided to let him sleep, as he'd be weak and hazy for a while. You got up, untangling the blankets from him and readjusting them. You got dressed, ready for the day and shifted to your human form, quietly leaving the room to sort everything out. You had to tell Watari about L and get the taskforce to believe he was sick. You found Watari in his office, doing usual paperwork.

"Ah, miss (y/n). Good morning" he said.

"Good morning. I have some rather... game changing news about L" you said, closing the door so no one heard.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Aphrodite gifted us these rings I'm sure you noticed. They contained an energy frequency so high that after a certain point, they'd kill the soul of the human wearing it to turn them into a deity. That point was reached last night. Thus, L is immune to the death notes. And currently going through a very draining process of his dead human soul shifting into that of an atherial" you explained.

"Incredible, so he keeps his body just his state of being changes?"

"Exactly. Over the next month or so, he'll start to grow wings. Eventually he'll be able to hide them the way I do but they have to grow in completely first. His back were they're going to come in as already red. I'm the next few days the wing bones will split his skin and start to scab over, feather growth will start and by the end of the month the wings will be grown and he'll have full control over them. So, we'll be needing quite a few bandages and those big dressing bandaids" you explained.

"I see, I'll get on that. So no death notes can affect him even with a face and name?" Watari replied.

"None. Death notes can only kill humans, so you can't kill a deity. I'll be keeping a very close eye on the Shinigami so they don't try to kill anyone else. There's a chance that once they realise L can't be killed kira will try to pick off the others. Not on my watch though"

"I see. Your help is much appreciated, is L awake?"

"Not yet. He'll be extremely weak and drained for a week or two. So I'll come up with some excuse for him to not be around the taskforce so they don't suspect anything. He can work from our floor after he'd gotten his energy back"

Watari got up, wanting to check up on L. Fatherly instinct told him to make sure the baby was sleeping well.

"I see. I'll see to having some fake medical records made to prove the story. He's upstairs yes?"

"Yeah, just be quiet I don't want to wake him up"

Watari followed you upstairs, quietly opening the door to your shared room and peeking inside. L still in the same position on his front asleep and off in dream land. Watari noticed L's back, the area practically glowing red against his pale skin.

"Ouch, that looks painful. Will painkillers do anything?" He asked.

"They might bring it down a little, but I doubt it'd get rid of the pain completely" you replied.

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now