Chapter Two

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Two weeks later, I meet Obi-Wan in the lobby again to speak to him before I go and face the Jedi Council to ask to become a Master. I finger the lightsaber in my belt with my gloved hand.

"Anakin, come this way." I look up to see Obi-Wan next to a set of stairs on the other side of the room. I walk across the room to him and the stairs.

"Master, what if they do not grant me the rank?" I ask as we start up the stairs.

"I'm sure they will Anakin. It's unlike the council to not grant the rank of 'master' to people who have not earned it." Obi-Wan says.

"And I have earned it?" I say.

"Yes, by all means. You have spent years training for this moment, not all Jedi get to this point."

"Forgive me if this is intrusive Master, but how did you get the rank?" I ask.

"Just after the Battle of Geonosis, the beginning of the Clone War. Have I not told you this before?" he replies.

"I guess you did, it would've slipped my mind if you had."

"Well, that makes sense then."


After we climb all 9 flights of stairs, we arrive at the door to the Jedi Council. The doors are domed, and has frosted glass embedded into it. I stare at the carpeted floor as Obi-Wan knocks on the door. Its a different room to the one the council is usually based in, and I haven't been in this one yet.

"Come in, General Kenobi." Mace Windu's voice sounds from inside. Obi-Wan opens the doors. "And young Skywalker."

As we enter, I dip my head to everyone in the circle. The floor is shiny, and has a circular pattern on it, with blue and white sections.
"Ah, has the young Skywalker been here before?" Yoda asks me.

"No, he hasn't." Obi-Wan says.

"Anakin?" Yoda asks again.

"No Master Yoda, I have not," I say, glancing at Obi-Wan.

"Please, sit." Mace Windu says, gesturing to a short, circular chair next to Obi-Wan's. I cross the room and sit in it.

"What is today's meeting about?" Mace Windu asks Yoda.

"It is about none other than young Skywalker here." Yoda says. "I have heard from Obi-Wan that he has completed his training as a Jedi Knight and wishes to become a Jedi Master, and to join us in the Council."

I look at Obi-Wan with wide eyes. He told them?!

Obi-Wan gives a small cough. "Would it not be better for Anakin to go outside while we discuss this matter?"

Yoda looks at me with his green eyes. "I think that would be best."

I nod and cross the room to the doors.


I stand against the opposite wall, looking at the dark wallpaper that surrounds the doors. My gaze lingers on my gloved hand, relieved that the Council cannot see the metal and black device that has replaced my forearm, thanks to the battle I had with Count Dooku. Somebody in a black cloak passes me, knocking me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." I say, as the figure stops and turns to face me.

"Well hello there, Anakin Skywalker."

I raise my eyebrows. "How do you know my name?"

"Because I do. I expect you are wondering who I am."

"Yes," I say, still confused.

"Chancellor Palpatine." he says. "I think they are finished discussing your rank." he turns to go, and I'm still staring down the corridor when Obi-Wan comes out.

"Anakin?" he says.

"Obi-Wan, I didn't see you there." I say.

"You can come back in now." Obi-Wan informs me.

I nod and follow him.

As we walk back through the doors, Yoda seems to be smiling at me, but Mace Windu remains emotionless.

"You are on this Council, Master Skywalker."

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