Chapter Seven

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I wake up the next day with a hollow feeling in my stomach. I turn over and stare at the wall. It's white. This hasn't happened. It couldn't have. I sigh and sit up. C-3PO's fingers knock on the door.

"Come in," I say.

"Master Anakin, I have received a message from the council." C-3PO says. "They want you to report as soon as possible."

"Tell them that I'm not going." I frown at the wall. I can't believe them. The audacity!

"Are you sure that would be wise?" Threepio asks.

"No, but what else can they do to me?" I say flatly, turning over. They've shown no respect for Obi-Wan, so why should I show respect for them? "Nothing, Threepio. They can't do anything."

"If you are sure, I will tell them that you won't be arriving today." I don't even smile at him.

"Excuse me, C-3PO, is everything okay here?" Padmé asks from behind him.

"I am honestly not sure, Miss Padmé. Master Anakin has said that he won't be going to the Jedi council today, so I don't know how they are going to react to that."

"Anakin will be Anakin, C-3PO, that's for sure. Don't worry." Padmé explains.

I glance up at them and they are both looking at me. "Yes?" I ask huffily.

"Nothing, Ani. I'll see you later." Padmé smiles at me.

I look back to the cover of the bed.

They both leave the bedroom and close the door.

I flop backwards on the bed, too mentally weak to get up. The council... The council.

"The council doesn't care. About me, or Obi-Wan, or who did it... or, or anything!" I cry, glaring at the ceiling. "All they care about is maintaining a respectful superiority over everybody else."

I take a deep breath and lift up my arm to look at the metal and gold covering that protects the delicate wires and sensors inside. I trace the outline of the streamlined shapes with my left hand. If Obi-Wan was here, I would go; but he's not, and that's the very reason I'm refusing to go to the council. I can feel tears forming in my eyes, and I don't try to wipe them off as they drip down my cheeks.

Why isn't he here? I told him to keep safe! And he promised! I turn over to my right and sniff quietly. I do not want C-3PO coming in here again. Not to see me like this.

"Obi-Wan... I— I miss you." I whisper. It's true. I do miss him. With every fibre of my being. I let out a melancholy sob and bury my head in the pillow.


I haven't been to see the council in just over a week. Somehow, I am going to get revenge for my master, I can be sure of that. I glare at the tabletop, anger fizzing behind my eyes. Padmé has already left the apartment, and C-3PO has gone on some sort of errand for the senate. R2-D2 beeps at my feet.

"Oh, Artoo, if only robots could understand human emotions. No offence though," I say to him.

"None taken," R2-D2 beeps back.

I smile at him. This little robot has been a saviour to me. "I really need to get out, or do something."

"Like what?" he asks.

"I don't know. Just something." I reply, getting myself some soup.

"Hold on," I say suddenly, dropping the spoon into the bowl. "Not many people have lightsabers in this city. It wouldn't be that hard to find somebody who owns a red one. But... if more than one person had one... No. That's way too unlikely to happen. What do you think, Artoo?"

"Plan? Yes, I think that would work. Its certain that anyone you ask would plead guilty if they had a red lightsaber." R2-D2 beeps excitedly.

I smile. For the first time since Obi-Wan's death, I could actually get control of something in my life again.

I tell Padmé the plan when she comes in later that day.

"I think that's wonderful, Ani!" she exclaims. "I'm glad that you've thought of something to do!"

Padmé encircles me in her arms and we hug each other.


The next day, I get out into the city, with a map of where the lightsaber owners live. Lots of people try to get on my 'good side' by doing everything I say, almost immediately. I politely say thanks and move on to the next house once I have the information that their lightsaber is not red, and they had no idea anything even happened that night. The search takes me three or four days, and I have to stop, because of Obi-Wan's funeral.

Its a hard whack back to reality. The reality that he isn't here. The reality that he isn't coming back. I stand, facing the fire that burns his robes, wearing my darkest black cloak, the hood pulled up to conceal my stinging eyes. Some of the Jedi make it, including Masters Yoda and Windu. The latter keeps throwing me looks filled with spite and fire; as if he wants to stride over to me and expel me from the Jedi Order right here and now. I avoid his eyes, and try to keep the tears in.

Padmé leads me away from the fire a little later on.

"Anakin, are you alright?" she asks softly.

"I'm fine." I almost snap.

"No you are not. Please just tell me what's going on." she says, turning my face towards her.

"I don't want to feel anything anymore." I say numbly.

"Ani... it's alright; I know it hurts." my lip starts to tremble, and I bite it. "But you can get through this. I know you can."

"Thank you Padmé." she hugs me, my eyes still stinging.

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