Chapter Twelve

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I finally get to the med-centre, and walk up to the reception.

"I'm here to see Padmé Amidala," I say nervously.

"What relation are you of her?" the receptionist asks.

I am at a loss for words so I just get out, "I'm the father."

The receptionist looks at me blankly and says "Of course. Floor five, room thirty-six. Do keep in mind that there are five minutes until visiting hours are over."

"T-thank you." I walk over to the lift.

I get into it and press the button for floor five. I'm reminded of the nightmare I kept having, the one about her dying in childbirth. It seems it was so long ago now. So much has happened. Obi-Wan knows. He always has, and that means that he would be here standing next to me. Stop it. Now is not the time to hope about things that will never happen. I shake my head to clear the line of thought. Padmé.

The lift slows and stops, and I knot my hands together, waiting for the doors to open. They finally do, and I almost run down the corridor, scanning the numbers on the doors until I see thirty six. I skid to a stop outside the room, and, with shaking hands, knock slowly on the door.

"Come in," a robotic voice says.

I turn the handle and push it open.

Padmé sits on the bed, cradling two bundles in her arms. She looks up at me, and our eyes both light up in complete happiness.

"Ani!" Padmé says, relieved. "I was wondering if Threepio told you,"

I walk up to her right and lean down to kiss her. "I was so worried. I thought the dream might've come true." I murmur.

"No, it wouldn't have. I wouldn't have let it, and you know that." she replies.

I smile, and kneel next to the bed. "Have you named them yet?"

"Only one. The boy, Luke." Padmé strokes the blond boy's head. "He's got eyes like yours."

"And the girl?" I ask softly.

"Up to you," she looks at me.

"Leia." I say. "Luke and Leia."

Padmé kisses me on the cheek again. "Obi-Wan would be proud."


"Ani! He would! Come on, you know that."

I laugh quietly. "I know,"

Leia blinks a few times and looks right at me.

"Do you want to hold her?" I look at Padmé in utter delight.

I slide Leia into my arms. She lifts up her hand and I slowly give her my gloved hand. My heart skips a beat as her whole hand wraps around my first finger.

"Hey, Leia," I say, with the biggest smile on my face. I glance at Padmé. "She's so beautiful..."
Padmé smiles back at me.

"...Just like you."


Two weeks later, after putting Leia and Luke in bed, I find myself out on the balcony. I wrap my robe tightly around me, while crossing to the golden railings that encircle the balcony. I lean my forearms on the rail, and inhale the cool night air. I look up at the sky, and can see the stars. I push my hair back and rest my eyes on my black and metal prosthetic. I move my wrist and remember when Leia held my finger.

A smile crosses my face. Nothing can go wrong now. I'm alright, Padmé's alive, Luke and Leia are with us. And Darth Sidious is in the high security prison below the Jedi Tower, where he can't escape or do anything, now just waiting for death to come. I think back to what Yoda told me the time I visited him last. He said "Hope, I do, that it visits you soon." What could he mean?


I look around, startled.

"Anakin," A voice. Something catches my eye. Blue, and glittery, and it... it resembles him.

"Master?" I choke out, tears filling my eyes.

"Don't cry, it's alright." Obi-Wan says.

"I-- I'm sorry..." my voice wavers, the tears sliding down my face.

"Shh, don't be sorry," he says softly. He comes closer and puts his hand on my cheek.

I look up at him. "I miss you.."

"I know, but I'm here."

I manage a weak smile. Obi-Wan's here. It's okay.

"I should have never gone out that night." Obi-Wan apologies. "I should have stayed where I was."

"It's not your fault," I whisper. "It was Palpatine, he's the Sith Lord. He killed you."

Obi-Wan smiles at me. "You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy, I have taught you everything I know, and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be."

"I s-still love you.." I say, tears flooding my face.

"You're my brother, Anakin. I will always love you."

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