Chapter Ten

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I shut off the hologram.

My elbows start to slide across the tabletop, and then I collapse. Seeing his violent death like it was happening scares me. I start to shudder, and I bite my lip to stop the noises of despair exploding out of me. Tears run down my face, I can't stop them... I let the sadness overtake me. He's gone. He's not coming back, the negative voice in the back of my head says. But it's right. Obi-Wan is not coming back. I can never talk to him again. I didn't think it was possible to have both physical and emotional pain this deep; this hard; this numbing. I almost feel sick.

Hours, or is it minutes later, I lift my head back up, and the writing on the glowing screen in front of me makes me concentrate on it. 'Obi-Wan Kenobi. A Jedi Master, a general of the clone wars. Master to Anakin Skywalker.' A weak smile makes the edges of my lips turn up. Master. He was my Master. I was with him for over ten years, and roughly every day, give or take a couple. Not one of those days were repeats. Not one.

"Found the thing you've been looking for?" the archive librarian says in her high voice.

I give a small cough to clear my throat. "Uh, yes, thank you."

She nods at me and walks off.

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding and press the copy button. The table the screen is mounted on starts to copy the hologram of Obi-Wan. Once it finishes, it spits out a chip. I take it and put it in one of the cloaks pockets. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the darkened screen. I push my hair out of my eyes and try to make the tear stains less noticeable.


The next day, I make sure I have the chip with the hologram, and make my way to the Jedi Tower. R2-D2 begs me for him to come, so I let him.

"It's about time I got out." he beeps.

"Huh, yeah, I guess it is." I reply.

"Are you alright?"

I nod and finger the chip.

"Whatcha got there?" Artoo asks.

"Oh, its nothing really." I pause. "Just a computer chip."

"What does it have on it?"

"A hologram." Even thought Artoo is a robot, he does like to poke around in things he isn't supposed to.

"What's on the hologram?"

Oh, no. I don't like where this conversation is going. "Just a thing I've got to show the Jedi Council."

"That old bunch? Still?"

"Artoo!" I scold him with a smile. "Don't be so rude!"

"They're not going to hear me!" he beeps.
I roll my eyes. "Mayb--"

"Young Anakin. Have you proof?" Yoda's voice takes me by surprise.

"Master Yoda!" I dip my head in respect. "Yes, I do."

"Good, that is." he warbles. "Who is the little robot?"

"Me?!" R2-D2 beeps incredulously. "Little?!"

"Artoo!" I try to cover his camera to stop him from insulting Yoda. "So sorry about that, Master."

Yoda just chuckles. "Attitude this Artoo has, yes."

"Well thank you, I take pride in my spe--" I stop him from making a lecture.

"Should we go up?" I ask.

"Up, we shall go."

"Artoo, you can stay here, or go back."

"I'll go back, I can tell you're going to be a while."

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