Chapter Five

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Four days later, I meet Obi-Wan as soon as he returns. I haven't told anyone about the dream, not even Padmé. I don't know why. For some reason, I run at Obi-Wan, grabbing his shoulders.

"Anakin, what..? Are you ok?" he asks, his voice full of concern.

"Master, I have to speak with you." I say.

"Ani, can it wait? I've just got back..."

"No, Master, it has to been as soon as possible."

Obi-Wan sighs. "Ok. What is it?"

"Not here," I look around for a quiet place. "Down there. I'm sorry, but we need quiet for this."


I lead him to the side of the landing platform.
"Master, I don't know how to tell you this," I lower my voice.

"Anakin, what?" Obi-Wan says softly, placing his hand on my arm.

"I... I had a vision. A few nights ago." I start, but tears pool in my eyes. "And..."

"Come on, you can tell me."

"..and it was about, it was about you. I don't know why, or when, but... you.. you get murdered." The total fear and anxiety explodes out of me, and I start to sob, my shoulders heaving. I cover my eyes, and I shake — even more when Obi-Wan pulls me into him and puts his arms around me.

"Shhh, Anakin, it's okay," Obi-Wan says. "I promise,"

A few hours later, I say goodbye, and tell Obi-Wan to be careful, and he promises he will. I resolve to tell Padmé, because she will question why my eyes are bloodshot, and why I took three and a half hours to welcome Obi-Wan back.


Padmé meets me as soon as I turn the door handle. "Anakin! Where were you? I was worried sick— Wait... are you ok?"

I bite my lip and shake my head a little.

"What's the matter?" she asks as she guides me inside onto the sofa.

"A vision I had." I say, avoiding her eyes. "And... and I don't know why, or when... but Obi-Wan gets murdered."

"Ani..." Padmé says, wrapping her arms around me. I try to hold in the tears, but it doesn't work. Tears stream down my face, and I bury my head into Padmé's shoulder.


It takes me hours to fall asleep, but as soon as I do, I wake up, shrieking Obi-Wan's name. And then I know. He's gone.

I pull one of my knees up to my chest, hold it with my other arm, and the tears start to roll down my cheeks. Faster and faster. I can't control them. Padmé wakes up, and she sees me hunched over and trembling. She doesn't say anything, she just puts her arms around me. I sniff, and lift my head to look at her.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter.

"Shh, don't be."

We stay up the rest of the night, sudden waves of sorrow hitting us from out of nowhere, almost constantly. Padmé gets me to talk about how Obi-Wan was as a master, as a friend, as a mentor.

"Do you remember, back in the Clone Wars, how we went to rescue him from Geonosis, and we ended up getting captured aswell?" Padmé asks, smiling a little.

I return her smile, breathing out slightly. "Yeah, and then we had to fight those creatures they sent at us. We didn't fight them,"

Padmé laughs quietly, covering her mouth.
"And just before, do you remember what you said to me?" I ask, tilting my head and side-smiling.

"I truly, deeply, love you." she says.

"Is it still true?"

"Always," she murmurs, leaning towards me and kissing me.

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