Chapter Three

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"Ani!!!" Padmé's voice greets me at the door. She launches herself into my arms. "You did it! You're a Jedi Master!"

We hug each other. "Who told you?" I say, unable to keep the smile off my lips.

"Obi-Wan faxed C-3PO, so for once, he was relieved about the whole thing of getting a message. Thankfully, R2-D2 calmed down after he whizzed around screaming in... I think it was possible delight." Padmé explains.

"Oh, do excuse me, Master Anakin, but it seems that I have another message, this one entitled 'Congratulations' from a C.P. Do you know who that is?" C-3PO appears in the doorway behind us.

"A C.P., or C.P. as a person?" I ask, letting go of Padmé.

"As a person. Do you want to look at it? Its a paper copy, I don't know how they got me to do that..."

"Ok, give it to me." I walk over to the living room, and take the paper C-3PO gives to me. "Thanks,"

I flip open the paper and start to read it. I know who sent it to me as soon as I see my name written out. Chancellor Palpatine, the person in the cloak I met earlier. It says congratulations on being given the rank of Jedi Master, and how he hopes to meet me soon. But how did he know? Did one of the Jedi tell him? Was it Obi-Wan?

"Threepio," I call.

"Yes, Anakin?" C-3PO says as he walks over to me.

"Can you message Obi-Wan?"

"Of course, Master, what do you want to say?"
"'Did you tell the chancellor about me becoming a master?' Please," I say.

"Done!" Threepio says, and hurries off into his and Artoo's room.

"Thanks!" I call after him.

I still have the paper from Palpatine, so I scrunch it up and toss it into a bin, where the bin opens the shoot and it goes falling down the tube to the bottom of the building. I stand up and walk over to where Padmé sits at the table.

"Still haven't said hello properly," I say, kissing her on her cheek.

"Hello," she smiles warmly and kisses me back.

"Do you know of the chancellor of the senate at the moment?" I ask.

"Yes, isn't it Chancellor Palpatine? The one who walks around the place with a dark cloak?" Padmé says.

"Yeah," I say, sitting down and putting my arms on the table.

"Why? Do you know him?" I don't respond.


I sigh and nod.

"Are you alright? You look worried." Padmé says, reaching across to hold my hand.

"I met him today." I say. "And he knew who I was and what I was doing waiting outside the council's room. He seemed to know everything about me..." I mutter.

"Ani, don't worry, he is a very weird person, but if he is allowed in the Jedi Tower, he must be trustworthy." Padme says reassuringly.

"I guess so." I say.


I wake up in the middle of the night, having forced myself awake after my re-accuring nightmare of Padmé dying entered my mind. I sit up and get out of bed, and wrap my robe tightly around me. Then I cross to the entrance to our balcony and open the glass doors. I step out of the door and rest my elbows on the golden railings that encircle the balcony. I take deep breaths of the cool night air and try to calm my mind. I look up at the dark sky and a few stars make an appearance, but fade when my eyes look upon them for too long. I cross my hands, and rest my left over the prosthetic one. I can smell the odd mingle of fumes from aircraft and the sharp, coppery scent of the electric wires overhead.

"Anakin?" I spin around just as Padmé slides the glass doors closed. "Are you ok?"

I turn back to the city's lights and give a small shake of my head as she comes round to my right.

"Ani? Did you have that nightmare again?" Padme asks, sliding her arms around me.

"Yes." I say, breathing in. "It's getting worse. Every time it happens, I feel sure that it's going to come true."

"Shh... I'm not going to die in childbirth." she says softly.

"But..." I start.

"No, Ani. Don't start. It's alright for you to be scared."

"I'm not..." I lie.

"Even the bravest Jedi gets scared." Padmé whispers. "Now come back to bed, it won't happen again."

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