Chapter Six

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The next day, I somehow get out of bed and wash away the damage done by the tears. C-3PO doesn't read out the full message, but he says that the High Council want me. Padmé asks if she can go with me, but Threepio says that it only can be me.

"See you later," I say, heading out.

"Bye..." Padmé says, closing the door. I can hear R2-D2 beeping sadly as I walk away.

I get to the lobby of the Jedi Tower, and try to take deep breaths.

"Master Skywalker, this way please." Yoda says, leading the way up the stairs.

I dip my head and follow him up to the ninth floor.

As we enter through the double doors, and I feel weighed down. It should be Obi-Wan next to me; not Yoda.

"Master Skywalker, we have some sad news to tell you—" Mace Windu says as I sit down next to Obi-Wan's empty seat.

"I know." I say.

"What?" Mace says, surprised.

"I know that Obi-Wan is dead." I say slowly, swallowing.

There is a moments silence as my words fully sink in to the gathered Jedi.

"And, as you know, Master Kenobi has.. had a legion of clones." Yoda corrects himself before continuing, "The council have decided that the 212th should be given to you, as you are his former apprentice."

I stare at Yoda. And then I realise that there is little care for Obi-Wan in this room; and I can't handle it.

"Thank you. But please, excuse me." I say, ignoring the shocked faces as I walk out the door.


I manage to keep the tears in all the way down to the second floor. I give up trying to compose myself, and continuously wipe my eyes until I am out of the Tower's lobby and in the dark side street. The wave of grief hits me like a tsunami, and I slump down by the wall five metres in, as my body heaves and the sounds of pain escape my mouth.

Why would they give me his entire legion of clones? Out of the so called 'respect'? If they had any respect for Obi-Wan, then they would let me off for a few weeks, or however much time they would give you; and then, and only then, ask me if I want to keep the 212th. I think back to yesterday afternoon, and the last time I saw him. He promised to keep safe! He promised!!

I wail, like a child, my nose running, the front of my hair wet and the tears keep coming. I can't stop... I'm shaking, and I can't feel anything, only the pain of heartbreak and the coldness of the stone pavement below me. The anger I felt when my mother died in my arms came on so quickly... but it seems like there is nothing. No anger, nothing except the raw, mind-numbing pain. The saltiness of my tears is on my lips, and the top of my knees are blurry when I look at them.


If anything wakes me up, its the coldness of the stone, creeping into my bones, my body, my very soul. I slowly get up, and stretch. I look up, and, despite the yellow glow of the cities lights, I can see the stars. The tears have dried on my cheeks, making them hot and slightly sore. I start the long walk back to the apartment, not really thinking on the way back.

I get in and unlock the front door. The lights are on in mine and Padmé's room, and I quietly go in. Padmé is sitting on the bed, and she immediately inches over to me. I sit down and let her hug me.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Padmé whispers.

I sort of laugh and shake my head. "How did you know?"

"Maybe the 'you coming in at half eleven' bit." she says.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." I say.
Padmé doesn't say anything. She just hugs me even more.

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