Chapter Four

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The next week, I wake each day without a nightmare of Padmé. I feel more rested than I have done in weeks, and Obi-Wan is taking some time working with the High Council to work out who is the hidden Sith Lord. I haven't heard from Chancellor Palpatine for a few days either, which is fine by me, because I need to figure out how he knows everything about me. The Jedi Council haven't issued any tasks for me to do, and so I am now taking each day as it comes, and I either spend it alone on the streets and walkways of the Lower City, or trying to get the council to notice me.

Padmé has already left, so I walk into the breakfast area, tightening the clasps on the glove that covers my prosthetic arm.

"Good morning, Master Anakin." says C-3PO as I sit on one of the stools.

"Hello C-3PO." I sigh. "Any messages?"

"I'm afraid not. Oh, wait, one just came in. About Master Kenobi."

"What about him?" I ask, intrigued.

"He has gone on a mission near the Outer Rim in search of the hidden Sith Lord." Threepio says. "It says he will be back in four to five days."

"Oh." I say.

"Is something the matter?"

"Uh, no. I'm fine." Why didn't the council notify me? Did they not think I could do it?


Later on that day, I go to ask why the Council did not ask me to go on the mission with Obi-Wan. Mace Windu suddenly sweeps past me, with a stony look on his face.

"Master Windu." I say, trying to catch up with him. He stops and I almost slam into him.

"What is it?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

I decide to talk quickly. "I got a message this  morning about Master Obi-Wan being sent on a mission to the Outer Rim. Why is that?"

"To see if he can find the hidden Sith Lord. Now please, I've got to go somewhere." Mace Windu says, walking on towards the stairs.

I frown at his back, and then I find myself sneaking up the stairs a few metres behind him. Where is he going? Has he forgotten that I am now a Master? He was sitting next to Master Yoda as he announced the status change. I stop at the top of the ninth staircase and watch him go into the councils meeting room. As soon as the door closes, I speed walk to the double doors, and stay just to the right of them, because they are slightly translucent, and a fleeting shadow would be all they need to know that someone is watching them.

"Anakin, a surprise to see you here." a voice makes me whip my head around and see the Chancellor standing a few metres away.

"Chancellor," I say in surprise.

"You don't have to tell me why you are standing there." he says. "Its because you want to know why Mace Windu was in such a hurry to get up here."

I stare at him.

"Please don't act so surprised. I have business to attend to." he turns to go. "Oh, Padmé is staying over with the Organas tonight." Palpatine leaves.

What?! Why would she just randomly stay over at the Organas place? I frown at the corridor that Palpatine disappeared down one last time, then turn and start going back down the stairs.


I wake that night, covered in cold sweat and my throat somewhat hoarse. I sit up and think over what my mind just told me. A sort of vision, fuzzy round the edges, and darker than usual. But I knew it was Obi-Wan. Down a side street. White with absolute fear. Then bright blue lines, striking him, making him fall over. Just before I woke, I remember there was a beam of crimson red, poking through the smoke and darkness. But I know.

Obi-Wan was going to be murdered.

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