Daddy's Little Girls

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Journie: Daaaaad! (whining) Do we have to go with mom?

Kai: I rather stay with you and YN

Jaelynn: (quiet)

Josh: Y'all know y'all have to go see her every other weekend, but if I could I'd keep y'all here all the time

YN:  (walks in living room) I made y'all a quick lunch girls

Josh: Y'all go ahead and eat before your mom gets here

Girls: (walks to the kitchen)

In Living Rooom

YN: I feel bad for them (sits on couch)

Josh: I'm trying so hard to put an end to this. They don't deserve this

YN: When is the next court date?

Josh: Next wed- (gco)


Kaliyah: Josh open up the door lil bitch! Girls lets go! My man don't like waiting! BRING YALL ASSES!


YN: (opens door) Kaliyah (rolls eyes)

Kaliyah: Tramp (scoffs)

Josh: Come on girls, your mom is here!

Girls: (grabbing their things)

YN: See you Sunday girls (hugging them)

Josh: See y'all later babies (kisses their foreheads)

Kaliyah: Get y'all asses in the car (faces Josh) Just know, i'm coming for my girls (walks away)

Saturday- 3AM

Josh: (sleeping)

YN: (sleeping)

*Front door unlocks*

YN: (hears noise) Huh? Josh (shaking him)

Josh: YN quit playing go back to sleep

YN: Babe for real, I just heard the front door unlock

Josh: (getting up) Let me check (grabs gun)


Josh: What the hell?! How did y'all get here?

Girls: (crying on the couch)

Yn: (walking downstairs with head down) Baby what's going-, Girls what are y'all doing here?

Journie: We got an uber (sniffling)

Josh: At 3 in the morning?

Journie: We had to

YN: Why? What's wrong?

Kai: Donny and two of his friends hit Jaelynn on the back because she didn't speak

Josh: (shocked) He did what?

Jaelynn: (sobbing) They hit me on my back (shows her back)

Josh: (hugs her) Baby I'm so sorry, y'all I'm sorry (crying and hugging them)

6:30 AM

YN: (getting dressed) The girls sleep?

Josh: Yeah, you ready to go?

YN: Rollout (heads to the car) My brothers meeting us there

Kaliyah & Donny's Penthouse

YN: (knocks on door)

Kaliyah: Ughh bitch why are you here

YN: (punches her in the mouth) Imma whoop your ass for letting Donny punkass and his friends hit on Jaelynn! (starts mixing her shit)

Donny: Aye man what the hell?! Bae whoop her ass the fuck!

Josh: Why you putting your hands on my daughter?

Donny: (smirks) Litte bitch was being disrespectful

Josh: Word? (giving him straight body shots)

While we're fighting we hear JuJu yell at ManMan telling him to get backdoor because Donny's lil homies tried to make a run for it. As the fighting goes on, sirens seem to get closer and closer. Next thing you know we're being snatched apart, read our rights, and office to jail.

Monday- 9AM

We've been in jail since Saturday, but we're headed to court with an early child support case. Patrick and Caleb went to the house to watch after the girls and bring them here this morning. We got all of our evidence sent to our family attorney through Patrick. They have proof of when the girls left Josh's, arrival at Kaliyah's, picture of Jaelynn's back, and more. Today we're walking out of this court room with full custody.

Bailiff: All rise. Judge Horn presiding.

Everyone: (stands)

Bailiff: Please be seated

Judge Horn: Everyone be seated. Today's case is Christopher VS Young.

The cleark swears everyone in and we began our case. Josh and I were fined for fighting. Kaliyah and Donny, however, are in some serious legal trouble. Kaliyah already had two pending assault and battery cases and a aiding/accessory to robbery charge against her. Donny has drug charges, gun charges, murder, batterty, you name it. Next is child support.

Attorney: Your honor. My clients are here today to take full custody of 13 year old Journie, 9 year old Kai, and 6 year old Jaelynn. I have some documents I'd like to provide to the court.

Judge Horn: Bailiff

Bailiff: (grabs documents and hands them to judge)

Attorney: Friday, October 9, 2020, the girls went to spend their weekend ,which was provided in court, with their mother. However, my clients were awaken at 3AM to them being downstairs. Soon they found out that Mr.Young had put his hand on Jaelynn. The documents I provided shows their locations and Jaelynn's back

Judge: I'd like to review these documents a bitmore. Take a recess.

1 Hr Later

Judge: After reviewing, i've come to the decision. Mrs.Young you lose all parental rights to the Christopher girls. Mr. Christopher you now have full custody of the girls. Mr and Mrs young, you will be placed in a holding as we prepare your sentencing.

Josh: (silently to himself) Yes! Daddy's little girls are home for good!

YN: ( Shedding tears) 

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