Not So Daddy Daycare

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9:30 AM

Josh POV

YN: Okay Justice needs to be put down for her nap at 12, woken up for her bottle at about 1:30-2:00, tummy time for at least 30 minutes. Also, put Jaden down for his nap when you put Justice down. Wake him up a little earlier than Justice so he can have his lunch and everything. Kai has training at 3:30, but Kristen is picking him up. Make sure he cleans his room, No sugary foods for lunch. All of their midday snacks are organized (rambling fast) I think that's everything

Josh: You'd think that after having two kids before Justice, that I would know how to take care of them 

YN: I'm sorry, it's just the fact that it's my first day back at work in two months. I'm not ready to be away from her (pouts)

Josh: Babe, we're going to be okay (kisses her forehead)

YN: I know. I know. I just don't want them to fall off schedule

Josh: I got this, Daddy Daycare back in session (flexes his muscles)

YN: (laughs) Bye love! I'll see y'all later, I love you. If you need anything call me or the hospital (kisses him)

Josh: Bye, I love you too (kisses her)

10:45 AM

Jaden: (running)

Josh: (cleaning the kitchen) Aye aye Jaden put your butt in a chair and watch spiderman!

Jaden: (still running)

Josh: Jaden don't make me come in there! Kai get your sisters diaper stuff ready!

Jaden: (screams)

Josh: (runs to the living room) What the hell happen little man?

Jaden: (holding his leg) AHHHHHHHHHHHH (crying)

Josh: Kai get some shoes on and grab your sisters diaper bag.  I'm about to get them situated in the car.

End of POV


Hmmm maybe I should just check on them. No YN don't do that, Josh has everything under control. Nope gotta call them.

YN: (Calling Josh)

Josh: (picks up) Hey Babe, I was just about to call you

YN: Hey, how's everything going?

Josh: Well, Jaden had a little incident, so we're on the way to you

YN: (starts panicking) Josh what happen?!

Josh: I was in the kitchen cleaning and preparing lunch and stuff. Of course, Jaden being the toddler he is, he was running and fell.

YN: I'll see y'all when y'all get here! Going to get him signed in and everything!

Josh: Okay be there in 10 minutes!

10 Minutes Later

I look up and spot Josh walking in with the kids. My poor baby looks so upset. Of course Justice and slumped and Kai is just chilling as always.

YN: Come on, I already got a room(leads them to room)Dr. Lane will be here in a few. I'll be back.

Josh: Okay

5 minutes later

Dr. Lane: (knocks) Hello Christopher Family! Nice to see y'all again! What seems to be the problem?

Josh: Nice to see you too Dr. Lane. Jaden fell and refuses to walk

Dr. Lane: Hmmm let's run some x-rays and see what's going on.

YN: (walks in) I'll go with him, it's time for her bottle anyways

Dr. Lane: Alright Jaden, we're going on a trip okay? Just sit in this wheelchair for me.

Jaden: (stares)

YN: Come on bud (picks him up)

X-Ray Room

YN: (lays Jaden down) I'm going to lay you here and we're going to put this on you okay? Mommy's going to take pictures of your leg.

Jaden: (nods)

I walk to the booth where they're taking his xrays. I walk out re-position his leg a few more times and then we were done. I pick Jaden up and take him back to his room while we wait on Dr.Lane with results.

YN: (rocking Jaden) So besides this, how was y'alls day?

Josh: Babygirl didn't cry all day, Kai cleaned his room. It was pretty chill.

YN: I'm proud of you babe, you handled everything well.

Josh: When you have two boys you have to be calm and collective.


Dr.Lane: Alright, seems like Jaden here has a Toddler's Fracture. He'll have to wear a cast for 3-4 weeks. Nothing too major. 

Josh: Thank you (shakes his hand)

Dr. Lane: Y'all have a good day, I'll have someone come cast him and y'all are done. (walks out)

YN: Alright imma get back to work. Take pics and I'll see y'all in a few hours (kisses josh and the kids)

Josh: See ya (winks)

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