Invitations Part 1

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This is going to be a fairly long chapter, so I'm splitting it into two parts! This is the morning, and tomorrows chapter will be the actual date. Suspense! Enjoy! Spoiler alert, there is a musical number ;)

The next morning, Phineas and Ferb woke up in great moods. Both of the boys had gone on amazing dates the night before with their dream girls. Phineas woke up much earlier and sat in his bed, looking at the ceiling and smiling uncontrollably. Suddenly, a pang of sadness hit him.

He remembered that his brother and Emma were going to be leaving in 8 weeks. It hadn't really struck him until now that he wasn't going to see Ferb for classes, or school dances, or any of those milestones. He felt his heart drop in his chest and felt like he couldn't breathe. 

He sat up immediately, trying to remove the feeling from his chest. He breathed heavily, and his brother woke up. 

"Phineas? What's wrong?" a sleepy Ferb asked, yawning. 

"Ferb, why are you leaving us?" Phineas asked sadly.

Ferb didn't understand for a second, but then it hit him. In the heat of all the moments that had happened yesterday, he didn't even remember the decision he had made. 

He sighed and then tried to explain. "Phineas, this was a hard decision to make. The other night, Emma and I stayed up all night trying to decide what we wanted to do, but after hours and hours of thinking, we decided it was a good idea to take the chance and try something new. Besides, it's not like we're going to be gone for good! We'll try to come back regularly, and we always have the summers!" 

"Oh... okay. You're right, I guess I just don't want to lose you. We've always been together through everything, and now that you and Emma are leaving, it's hard to believe we're going our separate ways. I knew it would happen, but I didn't imagine it happening so soon." Phineas looked down at his bedspread, fidgeting with the duvet and avoiding eye contact. He knew if he looked at Ferb, he would probably start crying. 

Ferb saw the hurt in his brother's expression. He didn't usually see him like this. It sent a feeling of guilt through him, and he decided it was best if he gave him some space. Ferb stood up, grabbed his signature outfit, combed his hair, and walked out the door. He walked down the stairs and Lawrence saw him.

"Hey, son! Where are you off to?" he asked.

"I'm heading to Emma's... I think Phineas is upset with me because of the school thing." Ferb sighed and sat next to his dad.

"Oh, alright. I'm sure he isn't upset with you, Ferb. He may just be scared of being alone. You two have been close since the day you met." Lawrence said, patting his son on the back. 

Ferb gave his dad a small smile and stood up. "Thanks, dad. I'll see you later."

"Have a good day, bud!" Lawrence said, nodding at him and taking a sip of his tea.

Ferb smiled sadly and opened the door to take the long walk across the street. He got to Emma's door and hesitated for a second before knocking. Minutes later, he heard the latch unlock and he looked up where Emma's head would be. 

"Ferb? What are you doing here? It's 5am!" she whispered. He smiled at the sight of her. Her hair was a mess, but it was a cute mess. She was in a baby blue bath robe with fuzzy blue slippers. He looked her up and down. 

"Excuse me?" she laughed.

"You're cute in the mornings." he chuckled, kissing her on the cheek. She blushed and soon remembered the time. 

"Thanks...? Why aren't you at home?" 

"Phineas wanted some space. I think he's still a little shocked about us moving."

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