Decisions, Decisions...

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Okay everyone, here it is! Final chapter of my third book! This chapter was really emotional to write and I'm tearing up while writing this little introduction. I really hope you like it, and yes, I am planning on adding an epilogue in the next little while for this book!

"Fossils... dun dun dun..." Ferb said quietly, followed by a screech from the tape recorder. He chuckled and repeated himself with the recorder. "Fossils... dun dun dun..."

Emma groaned and covered her ears with the pillow.

"Fossils... dun dun dun..." Ferb said again, for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. His father had loaned him the tape and when they went to the museum the day before, he remembered about it and pulled it out of his drawer.

It was at this point where Emma had had enough. She violently rolled over.

"Fossils... dun du-" Ferb started, but was cut off by a hand slapped over his mouth. He looked over at the annoyed girl next to him.

"Shut. Up. Ugh, I should have never let you take me to the museum yesterday..." she mumbled and removed her hand.

He chuckled devilishly and rolled over on top of her. She moved her hand up to try to slap him again, but he caught her arm midair. "Wanna try that again, sweetheart?" he smirked and leaned down until their faces were centimetres apart.

"Don't do this with me this morning. I got no sleep last night because you kept screaming about a t-rex. And now this stupid fossil tape..." she growled and moved her face to the side. He shook his head so her face was tickled by his green hair and she fought the urge to giggle.

"Are you ticklish?" he whispered, and moved closer.

"Stop... don't you dare..." she breathed.

He exhaled and her skin tingled from his closeness. "Emma... guess what?" he whispered.

"Mmm?" she replied softly.

"FOSSILS DUN DUN DUN!" he exclaimed and tickled her, causing her to squirm and laugh out loud.

"FERB STOP IT!!" she squealed and moved her arms tightly to her sides to protect her armpits.

"Make me!" he laughed and sat on her.

"Ow! Get off, I can't breathe, you fat oaf!" she screamed.

"Did you just call me fat?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he paused at tickling her.

"Yes, yes I did! You're like 50 pounds heavier than I am! Which makes you fat!"

His jaw dropped but he smiled. "Ah, I see how it is. Well, insulting me isn't gonna help you, love..."

She struggled to get out of his grasp but he caught her before she could make any progress. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and pushed her into the mattress, but before he could do anything else, she took him by surprise and pulled him onto her, his legs collapsing on top of her. She giggled and pressed her lips to his, wrapping her legs around him and closing all gaps between them.

She pulled away from him for a second and stared into his eyes, running her hand down his cheek. "I love you so much, you know that? I wouldn't trade being here with you for anything." she whispered, smiling and kissing him softly on the nose.

He chuckled and moved her hair out of her face. "You can't possibly love me as much as I love you. Living with you has shown me an entire side of you that makes me love you even more than I did before. With that, today is the day we make a decision... are we going home or staying in London?" he asked.

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