Invitations Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb OR The Little Mermaid! Also, this chapter has a bit of... spicy... content so if that's something you don't like, you can skip over that part. It's not mature, but it's not exactly family-friendly haha!

Ferb and Emma walked into their first period and the teacher gave them a look and motioned them over. Ferb pointed to himself and then Emma as if to ask 'Which one?'

"Both of you, please." she said with a blank face.

Emma felt her face getting red. Her and Ferb walked to the teacher's desk and when they were there, Emma felt something touch her hand. Ferb had grabbed her hand and given it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled and squeezed back. 

"Where have you two been? You've been absent twice, and it's the first week of school. What's going on?" she asked, looking up from her attendance chart, raising her eyebrows in concern while moving her wire-rim glasses up her nose. 

Ferb inhaled deeply. "We've... had a lot of events happen this week. I was accepted for a study-abroad program in London and we've had to do a lot of thinking, because I wanted to take Emma with."

The teacher's face shifted to a small smile. "That's amazing, Ferb! But, you two really need to come to school, because if you keep this habit up, you two may not have good enough grades to actually go. They can take back your invitation, so I suggest you both focus on school these next 8 weeks."

Emma looked at Ferb and then back at the teacher. "We're sorry. We won't skip anymore. Thank you for your concern." she said with a smile, and the teacher smiled back, not because she was pleased, but because Emma had a contagious smile. You couldn't possibly look at her smiling without wanting to smile with her. 

The teens nodded and worked their way back to their seats, holding hands under the table and paying close attention to the lab.

Later, at lunch, the group gathered. 

"Blondie!" Buford called, and Emma looked up from her conversation with Isabella. 

"Hmm?" she asked.

"Do you have the answers to the math test today?" he asked, frantically looking through Baljeet's backpack. "My nerd doesn't have the same class as me." 

Baljeet's face was very happy that he didn't have anything for Buford to steal. Or so he thought.

"Hey, look! A poptart!" Buford said, pulling out a broken poptart. 

"Why was that in there?" Baljeet asked. "Hey, give that back! I want it!"

"You don't have my test answers, so I get your poptart. Move!" Buford said, pushing Baljeet out of the way and munching on his newfound treat. 

"Buford, you have math before I do... why would I have the answers? Besides, even if I did, I wouldn't give them to you! That's kind of the point of a test." Emma said with a cheeky grin.

"Ugh... girls. Why can't you be easygoing like Baljeet!" Buford complained and shoved the remains of the poptart into his mouth.

Ferb piped up. "She's not a pushover." 

Emma laughed as Ferb leaned over her as she sat down, intimidating Buford with his sheer height. Ferb was already 6'2" and had grown more than any of the other boys in the group. 

Emma smirked and stuck her tongue out at the sneering bully. Ferb moved closer to her so his stomach was on her back. She felt shivers travel down her spine as he sat down, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her backwards into him. She could faintly feel the firmness of his abs that she had seen this morning and sighed happily as she leaned back further until her head was laying on his chest. The butterflies rushed through her stomach. 

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