Accidents Happen

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The day started like any other day, Phineas waking Ferb up a minute before the alarm went off.

"I can't believe we've had that streak going for like 5 summers now!" Phineas laughed and jumped out of bed. How he had that energy at 5am, Ferb would never know.

"How are you awake? Weren't you on the phone with Isabella until 2am?" Ferb asked, yawning and stretching.

"Yeah, it was absolutely amazing..." he sighed with a goofy smile. "We're finally going on a date tonight! I'm still trying to figure out where to take her." he raised an eyebrow in thought. "Wait, doesn't the fair open tonight? That's it, I'll take her there!" Phineas laughed, proud of himself and his great ideas.

Ferb was somewhat awake, and decided to finally get out of bed. He looked at his phone, and was tempted to do something just a little bit risky.

At Emma's house, she had been up since 4:30. It was just another regular day for her, making sure her hair was just perfect and makeup done right. She was jamming out to her playlist on her earbuds while putting the finishing touches on her makeup, when she heard a text tone on her phone.

Emma put down the eyelash curler she was using and pulled out her phone to find a text from... Ferb?

Ferb: good morning:)

She was surprised, but a grin filled her face and she couldn't help but do a little happy dance in the bathroom.

Emma: what's that supposed to mean morning was 2 hours ago! jkjk good morning:)

Ferb: what is with you and my brother always being up super early? do you even sleep?

Emma: hahaha no I run on chocolate and good books;)

Ferb: you read too?

Emma: ofc, who wouldn't? it's like the perfect escape from reality!

Ferb: finally, someone who gets me! haha

Emma: wow you must be my soulmate or something!

She sent the text without thinking, and immediately regretted it. "Oh, fudge. What did I do now..." she said, as she watched the 'Read at 6:05am' symbol come up and eventually the ellipsis.

On Ferb's end, he had just gotten her text and was a little bit surprised, but flattered. What was he supposed to say to that? He put a random letter in the textbox so it would look like he was typing, when he was really just asking Phineas what to do.

Phineas read the text message and put his hand over his mouth in awe. "Dude, say something cute back! She's obviously flirting!" he said.

Ferb nodded reluctantly and tried to figure out a good response.

Ferb: tbh I wouldn't be mad if I was...;)

Emma read his message and flipped out. What in the rom-com was going on here? It was like one of her books had come to life.

She immediately called Izzy to consult.

"He said WHAT?" she yelled over the phone. "Keep it going! Flirt back!"

Emma: oh, is that so? I wouldn't exactly be opposed to it either:)

Ferb: yk what? meet me at the bus stop in 5 mins.

Emma: haha okay? see you in 5 then

Ferb finished getting himself ready and ran downstairs to grab a banana and granola bar. He rushed out the door and started to walk to the bus stop when he saw Emma go out her front door. Eh, might as well... he thought, before walking up to her.

Inseparable - Ferb x Emma (OC)Where stories live. Discover now