Watch Out For These HANDS!

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Author's Note: God damn, I'm obsessed with MCR but can you blame me?? THEIR MUSIC SLAPS SO MF HARDDD!! Anyways, lol. (OMFG I NEVER REALIZED I DIDN'T PUBLISH THIS CHAPTER IM SO MF SORRYYY!!!!)

Warning: Swearing, MC simping as always, mention of gore

Disclaimer: Bruh, I don't own Hunter x Hunter, all rights go to Yoshihiro Togashi. Please support the official release!


And with that, the mood was lightened, soft smiles on everyone's faces. Except for Tonpa and the prisoners, of course. But honestly? We were vibing. And no one was gonna ruin that for us, not even a stinky onion-man who was forced to come along with us. God, I just wanted this phase to be over with already!

"And if you stay, I would even wait all night. Or until my heart explodes, how long?" I sang to myself. About two hours passed since I spewed my love for the boys, and our watches showed the time of 60:57:03. I was chilling on the ground sitting with Kurapika as Leorio lied on his back, staring up at the ceiling. I waiting for Leorio's whole 'he's dead!' thing to begin so the match would go on, and honestly it was getting painfully boring. I watched as Killua walked up to Gon, having a small conversation and Gon pointing over the Majitani's body on the ground. They proceeded to walk up to us, Killua going up to Leorio. "Hey," Killua said, causing Leorio to peek his eye open in response. "It's looking more and more like he's dead," he said, all of us turning over to look at Majitani. "What do you mean?" Leorio asked, sitting up on his hands. "Well, he's been lying there for a long time now and he hasn't moved or anything," Gon replied. Leorio suddenly stood up and began running over to the edge of our platform, causing the others to get up as well.

"Damn it. It's impossible to tell from this far away," Leorio cussed. "Hey you! We want to go over there and check his body!" Leorio yelled, his voice ringing throughout the large arena. "What was that?" The female prisoner asked, stepping up on her side of the platform. Leorio pointed a finger over to Majitani and replied, "He might be dead already and we just want to see it for ourselves." "It's like I told you before, he's only unconscious," she said. "Yeah? Well how many hours do you think we've been here? You think we're just going to take your word for it?" Leorio shouted. "Care to make a wager, then?" she asked, a smile heard in her voice. "A wager? On what?" he asked. She proceeded to explain that the wager would be settled on whether Majitani's dead or alive, time being the betting factor. Both sides have 50 hours to wager, 10 hours being the least they can bet at a time. They'll each take turns deciding on what to bet on until one of their clocks reaches 0. In our case, we'll lose 50 hours to escape the Trick Tower. In their case, 50 years will be added to all of the examiner's sentences.

"That woman is crazy. Betting with her own jail time like that?" Leorio huffed. "Consider your answer carefully. If you lose, we'll all have 50 fewer hours to clear the tower," Kurapika advised. "Yeah, well no one's asking you. In case you forgot, you're the one who got us into this stupid damn mess in the first place," Leorio scoffed. "Very well. You won't her another word from me," Kurapika huffed, turning away. "Guys, quit it. Leorio, c'mon, just make the bet already, yeah? He's alive, no doubt about it," I spoke up, stepping in front of the two. Killua looked between them with a catface, being a cutie as always. "No need to say more, (Y/n). Trust me, I got this," Leorio grinned at me before looking up. "Alright! I accept your damn challenge!" He yelled, pointing a finger ahead. "Okay. I chose our first bet so you may set the ante. Decide how many hours we'll wager on whether he's alive or dead," she replied. Leorio paused before answering, "I bet ten hours that he's alive!" She laughed before saying, "Alright then, let's confirm." As the two began to walk ahead, Kurapika spoke up. "Playing it safe, aren't you?" "I thought you weren't going to say another word," Leorio smirked before continuing on his way. Kurapika looked after him in frustration. I giggled and patted his shoulder, "Oh, don't worry about it, Pika. He's just joking." "He's still being annoying, though," he sighed.

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