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a/n's POV

Today is Monday a start to a week of hell, at least for Park Jieun.

Park Jieun is a normal teenage girl in her second year of high school at SOPA (School of Performing Arts) expect the fact she gets abused by her own family and other students at school especially Kim Minjee.

Jieun has no other family other than her abusive parents (at least that's what she thought) and herself. She works part-time at a café on the weekends since she isn't from a wealthy family and her parents could care less. Jieun is also diagnosed with depression along with other things. Her life was just a mess.

Jieun walked through the gates of school and she was instantly met with a lot of glares and some people whispering about her, she just put her head down and went to her locker. Right when she was taking her books out of her locker, a hand slammed the locker shut. It was none other than the famous Kim Minjee, the rich ass bitch and queen of the school along with her minions. 

What do you want this time Minjee? Jieun asked. OH, wow you can talk, tsk you do know who I am right? Minjee said and grips Jieun's collar, listen here bitch you can't talk back to me, you're supposed to obey me like a good dog, right doggy? Minjee said as her minions laugh. Yeah just let me go, Jieun said. Fine, Minjee said as she harshly let's go. Let's go girls, we shouldn't be late because of a dog. Minjee said with a wink as she left with her minions. 

After all the chaos Minjee and her minions did everyone's attention was on Jieun as she continued to grab her books and went to her classroom with the burning glares of everyone but one specific person who looked at her with a sad look. {a/n: ohoho 😉😊}

???'s POV

I'm sorry noona, I'll help you just you wait. He thought in his head. Yah! Let's go, we'll be late. His friend said. I'm coming. He said as he and his friends left to their classroom.

-Time Skip-

Jieun's POV


All right that is all for today class, don't forget about your homework for our next meeting, goodbye. My math teacher Miss Kim said as she walked out. It was breaktime now and I usually spend my time on the rooftop to you know escape from the devil aka Minjee. I went out of the classroom as quickly as I can to avoid Minjee and her minions as I made my way up to the rooftop.


Finally, peace and quiet, I said to myself as I sighed. {a/n: girl you thought 😬}

Well well well, look what we have here the dog's gone insane. Minjee said as she and her minions laughed crazily. Leave me alone please Minjee! I pleaded. Talking back, are we?! She exclaimed as she grabbed my hair harshly. Looks like doggy here needs a lesson for disrespecting, right girls. She said as she glared at me. 

Let's teach her a lesson or two, Haneul one of Minjee's minions said as she eyed me wickedly. No please no, I pleaded again, I still had fresh bruises from the beating my parents gave me this morning but of course she didn't care. Disrespecting, again are we? She said as she tightened her grip on my hair. I winced slightly. I'm not letting you off that easily doggy. She said as she slapped my face and soon slap came after slap and punch after punch.

-5 minutes later-

I was almost unconscious by now but they still kept going and even kicking my body all over the place. My vision blurred as I heard a voice yelling at Minjee and her minions to stop and soon, I fell into unconsciousness.

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