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{a/n : such a cutie 😍}

a/n's POV

As the meeting progressed, all of them were so focused on the plan that they didn't hear someone breaking in that was until one of them heard something. Hey guys listen, Taeil said as they all suddenly became quiet. Renjun, pull up the cams. Taeyong said as Renjun nodded and displayed the cam footage on the screen big enough for everyone to see. It's them, all right Dream, you guys will escape from here, Taeyong said as he revealed a secret passage. 

This should lead you guys to the garden and from there you guys will grab any weapon you can find and then once that's done, come back in and help us. Mark, you will lead them and Aera you will go with them. Taeyong explained as the dream sub-unit as well as Aera nodded. As for the rest, half of us are gonna stay here as back up and the other half will go out and attack as many of them possible. Taeyong said as they all nodded and they all grabbed a few guns that were in the meeting room for emergencies. 

All right everyone ready? Taeyong asked as they all nodded and the dream unit left using the secret passageway after Taeyong gave them the signal. Well, let's do this. S.Coups said as they all got ready and the plan went into action.

-Time skip-

The group just finished the task as there weren't a lot of them and they were no match for NCT and Seventeen combined. Luckily no one was badly injured the only quite serious one is Jisung almost getting shot if Mark wasn't there to help him resulting in him getting a bullet gaze but other than that there were only minor injuries here and there. What the heck happened out there anyway Jisung? Doyoung asked as he was wrapping up Jisung's arm. Well, Jisung started.


Jisung's POV

I just made it outside and I saw all the hyungs and Aera-Noona getting a few more weapons and ammo and when we were all set, Mark-Hyung gave us a signal and then we busted in again, killing everyone that we could see. It was going well and all but I was too focused fighting a dude when he suddenly said something that I never wanted to hear in my life. 

So, you're the brother huh? Well, your sister has a really nice body and I enjoyed playing with it, the dude said as he smirked and after he finished his sentence, I froze. I wanted to move or do something but my body didn't cooperate with me and so the dude took the advantage and kicked me down and punched me a few times before I came back to reality and fought back but I wasn't as focused so I didn't hear another dude behind me holding up a gun that is until Mark-Hyung saved me. 

Jisung duck! He yelled and I instantly ducked down but I wasn't fast enough so I ended up getting a bullet graze on my left arm. You okay? What the heck happened Jisung? Mark-Hyung asked as he came closer to me and checked the wound. I-I he said something about my sister and I just froze, I'm sorry. I said as I looked down trying to not cry. It's okay, I know how much your sister means to you, now let's go. Mark-Hyung said as he helped me up and we proceeded with the task.

-End of flashback-

I'm sorry Jisung, we'll get her back. I promise Doyoung-Hyung said as he finished treating my wounds and left to go tell Taeyong-Hyung the situation. Jisung-ah, I heard someone call and it turned out to be Aera-Noona. What is it noona? I asked her while wiping my eyes since I got a bit emotional from thinking about Jieun-Noona. 

I know whatever I'm gonna say isn't going to help you as much but just know that Jieun is strong and she will pull through this and we will save her, now I know I'm not your real noona but, you can always lean on me when things just overwhelm you okay? You're like my little brother too okay, Aera-Noona said as she wiped a few stray tears and hugged me. Thank you noona. I said as I fell asleep on her shoulder thinking about Jieun-Noona.

Jieun's POV {a/n: this was before the whole thing at the NCT base}

It has only been a few hours since they kidnapped me but it felt like I was there for days. I was in a small room with nothing in it except for a chair in the corner that was usually used as an abuse chair really where they tie me up and do whatever they want. I was just dozing off when I heard the door open and footsteps coming my way and then I saw someone I never expected to be here, it was the one and only Kim Minjee. 

Well well well, long time no see there doggy, she said as she came closer to me. Well, aren't you just so beautiful with all those bruises, huh? She said as she used her disgusting hand to lift my chin up so I was making eye contact with her, and me being chained up can't really do anything about it. Well, I would like to have some fun with you but I got other things to do, including making your brother and your friends suffer. She said as she smirked evilly and let go of my chin. 

Don't touch them. I said through gritted teeth. Well too bad there doggy, now have fun. She said as she left the room and said something to a dude before finally leaving. Well I am gonna have a lot of fun, the dude said as he came closer to me, and then I knew, I was doomed.


Heyo, this is quite the brutal chapter (I think) but anyways hope you guys enjoy as usual and I will see you in the next chapter, byeee 😘



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