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Jieun's POV

The dude kept coming closer to me and me being chained and tied up I can't really go anywhere and so I just curl into a little ball hoping to just disappear. Look what we got here hm? So pretty, the dude said as he used his disgusting hand and rubbed them on my thigh and oh, I forgot to mention, I was only wearing an old ripped up T-shirt and underwear, stop please, I whimpered. Oh no no, he said as he chuckled, that bitch promised me that I can play with you so, he said and then he started kissing my neck leaving bruises everywhere, I whimpered again as he suddenly untied me and I tried to run away but I was too weak and so he caught me and picked me up and carried me to another room that was a bedroom. 

He threw me on the bed harshly and then he started kissing me again and rubbing my thighs. Stop please, I begged him but he didn't listen and soon he began to undress me and now I'm in full display for him, I tried to cover myself but he grabbed my hands and tied both my arms and legs to the bed making me unable to do anything to stop him. You've been such a bad kitty, daddy's gonna have a lot of fun with you. He said as he took off his shirt and pants leaving him in only his boxers, after he threw away his clothes, he stared at me like I'm his prey in which I am and then he started to leave multiple marks all over my chest and stomach. Please, I begged one last time as I saw him pulling down his boxers, and then everything went black.


Jeno's POV {a/n : After the huge fight}

We were all just resting and lounging around as Taeyong-Hyung and S.Coups-Hyung are at Taeyong-Hyung's office to discuss the plan. I was just wandering around the garden when I suddenly noticed something on the ground near a bush. I slowly went over to it and when I finally stood in front of it, I noticed the thing was a USB. I quickly picked it up and ran back in startling the members but who cares and I sprinted to Taeyong-Hyung's Office knocking and when I heard a faint come in, I went in panting slightly. 

Jeno, what happened to you? You look like you just ran a marathon. Taeyong-Hyung said but I just silently gave him the USB. I found it in the garden, I'm thinking that one of the guys that attacked us dropped it. I said still catching my breath. Call Jungwoo here please. Taeyong-Hyung said and I nodded and proceeded to call Jungwoo-Hyung, a few minutes later I was at the office again with Jungwoo-Hyung with me looking confused. Jungwoo did you bring your laptop? Taeyong-Hyung asked and Jungwoo-Hyung just nodded still confused. I need you to open this USB, I would've done it myself but I know that you have to crack it first before accessing it. Taeyong-Hyung said as he gave Jungwoo-Hyung the USB and Jungwoo-Hyung instantly got to work. Aha, Jungwoo-Hyung said and then he placed the laptop on Taeyong-Hyung's desk. 

It's all their information, S.Coups-Hyung said as we all looked through the profiles one by one until one specific profile caught my eye. Hyung, scroll back up, please. I said as Jungwoo-Hyung nodded and scrolled up and then I saw something I did not expect to see. Kim Minjee, I said with a hint of rage in my voice, Kim Minjee? As in the one who bullied Jieun? Jungwoo-Hyung asked and I nodded trying to control my anger. She was behind all of this the whole time. I said as I gritted my teeth and bit my lip as to contain my anger. Hyung look at this, Jungwoo-Hyung said suddenly and then all our attention was on him. I found their base's location. He said, but isn't that one destroyed from the attack we did before? I said confused. 

Yes, it is but I found their new base, Jungwoo-Hyung said as he pulled up the information about their new base. Well done Jungwoo, Taeyong-Hyung said ad then he told both of us to leave since he wanted to discuss the plan with S.Coups-Hyung and we both just followed his instructions and left to tell the other members what we just found out. My mind suddenly wandered to Jieun, it's been only about a day and I was already missing her like crazy well I guess that's what happens when you're in love with someone. Eun, please be okay. I'll come and get you but before that, please stay safe. I love you. I said inside my head and then I went up to my room to sleep since I was tired but even in my dream, I'm still worried about her. Be safe please, I love you Park Jieun. I said softly as I finally let myself fall into deep slumber.

Jieun's POV

I woke up with my lower half aching and I was still completely naked and I am still in the same bedroom from before. I tried getting up but failed immediately and so I just crawled slowly making my way to a closet that I hoped had some clothes in it and I was right, inside there were a pair of really short pants and a ripped-up T-shirt. I know it's not the best but it's better than nothing you know. I slowly wore the clothes with me whimpering here and there as my whole body hurts and when I successfully wore them, I heard footsteps coming and before I could hide myself, the door opened revealing Minjee with 3 muscular men behind her. 

Well well, how was your sleep doggy? I bet it was amazing huh? Minjee said as she walked closer to me and grabbed my hair harshly. Don't worry, you'll have even more fun today, she said as she smirked evilly and then let go of my hair. She's all yours, remember don't kill her, Minjee stated as she walked to the door, at least not yet, she said as she gave me a wink and finally left. Well, let's start shall we, one of the men said as he came closer to me and picked me up and brought me to my original room, and tied me up on the chair. Let the fun begin, one of them said as the other two came up behind him holding a bat and other things to torture me with.



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