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-NCT Mansion-

Jisung's POV

We finally got back to the mansion like base and instantly after Taeyong-Hyung stopped the van, Jaemin-Hyung ran out the van with Jieun in his arms as Doyoung-Hyung followed him to the medic room. I got off the van and quietly made my way to my shared room with Chenle and once I got there, I locked the door and laid on my bed and let my tears fall like waterfalls.

Mark's POV

We made our way in all with sad faces as we went to the living room except for Taeyong-Hyung that went to his office as usual. Hyungs, where's Jisung? Chenle asked and that's when we all realized that he wasn't with us. He's probably in his room, I'll go check on him. I said as I got up and made my way to Jisung's shared room with Chenle.

-Tiny time skip-

I was standing Infront of the room when I heard soft sobbing and tried to open the door but it was locked, Jisung it's Mark-Hyung, open the door please, I said while knocking on the door softly. Leave me alone please, I heard Jisung say, Jisung, Jieun will be okay I know it, come on open the door please. I said hoping he will open the door and it worked as I heard footsteps come closer and then the door unlocked and instantly made my way in the room to see Jisung sitting on his bed with puffy cheeks and bloodshot eyes. 

My heart dropped and I sat next to him and engulfed him in a hug as he hugged me back and cried again softly making my shirt wet but who cares, Jisung, she will be just fine, believe in her okay? I said as I rubbed his back softly, I failed didn't I? Jisung said with a hoarse voice. What do you mean? I asked him, I couldn't protect her, I failed, he said letting go from the hug and looked at me in the eyes, tears streamed down his face. Jisung, I called out to him, you did your best, it's not your fault, I said as I wiped his tears away, thanks hyung, Jisung said as he slightly smiled, it's fine Jisung, I said as I smiled, wanna go to Jieun? I'm pretty sure Doyoung-Hyung and Jaemin should be done by now, I said as I checked my phone and got a text from Johnny-Hyung saying that Jisung can visit Jieun now, Hm, let's go. Jisung said as we both got up and made our way to the medic room.


Hi! I'm sorry for the short chapter but I promise to update a long one for the next chapter so see you guys there, byeee 😘



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