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Jieun's POV

Today was Saturday meaning there was no school so usually people would sleep in but not for me since I have my part-time job to go to. I work part-time at Dream Café. I was lucky since the owner was so kind, his name is Jung Jaehyun. Anyway, after I was done with my morning routine, I went to the café. I was quite early since my shift starts at 10 am and it was currently 08:45 am. 

Since I had quite some time, I stopped by a nearby library just to look at some books to pass the time but what I didn't know is that I was going to run into a specific person.

Jeno's POV

I again couldn't sleep so I checked my phone and it was around 9 am and since it was the weekends, I thought about going to a nearby library to read since fun fact I like reading {a/n : sure, there Jeno-yah} I did my morning routine and started to make my way to the library.


I went in and greeted the librarian and went to find some books at the fantasy aisle but was met with Jieun's back figure. Well didn't expect you to be here this early or here really, I said as I looked at her surprised face as I chuckle. Well I could say the same thing about you, never expected to run into the Lee Jeno in a library, she said as she also chuckled. Whatever you say Eun. I said as I smiled showing my eye smile. 

Wow never expected the cold quiet student to smile, not to mention the cute eye smile, she said as she smiled and me turning my head away to hide my small blush. Whatever Eun, you also have a cute smile, I said as I teased her and I could see a faint blush on her cheeks as I smirked proudly at making her blush. Hajima, anyway I gotta go to my part-time job. See you later Nono. She said as she winked at me and left me a blushing mess. Park Jieun jinja, I said to myself smiling and continuing to look for some books.

Jieun's POV

As I left the library, I sighed in relief and started making my way to the café since it was 09:45 am.

-Time skip-

-Dream Café-

Oh, hey Jieun-ah, my boss, Jaehyun said. Hey Jaehyun, I said and got ready for my shift.

-Time skip-

It was now 5 pm and I just finished my shift and was on my way home when I felt someone following me. I panicked and tried to act normal while grabbing my phone to call someone and the first person that came to my mind was Jeno.

-Phone call-

Eun? He said as soon as he picked up my call. Jeno I feel like someone is following me. I said trying to act calm when in reality I wasn't. Where are you? He asked me. Near the library from this morning. I said and then taking a deep breath to calm myself down. Alright I'm coming, just go to the library, I'll meet you there. Just keep the call on so I know what's happening. He said a hint of worry was in his voice. Okay. I said making my way to the library but before I made it, I got caught and the last thing I heard was Jeno shouting my name.



Hey guys here is chapter 5, I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'll make it up in the next chapter so stay tuned. Don't forget to comment and vote I would appreciate it. Bye 😘



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